What Does a Financial Advisor Do? - NerdWallet (2024)


Financial advisors help you create a plan for meeting your financial goals and guide your progress along the way. They can help you save more, invest wisely or reduce debt.

What is a financial advisor?

A financial advisor helps you manage your finances, or manages them for you. The catch-all term "financial advisor" is used to describe a wide variety of people and services, including investment managers, financial consultants and financial planners.

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What Does a Financial Advisor Do? - NerdWallet (1)

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What do financial advisors do?

The services provided by financial advisors will vary based on the type of advisor, but generally speaking, a financial advisor will assess your current financial situation — including your assets, debts and expenses — identify areas for improvement, and help you create a financial plan. Most advisors will be able to help with the following:

  • Helping you create an emergency fund.

  • Assisting with saving and budgeting.

  • Planning to meet short- and long-term goals.

  • Retirement planning.

  • Tax planning.

  • Explaining various account structures and investment products that make sense for your situation.

  • Identifying the right asset allocation or investment mix for your portfolio.

  • Paying off debt.

  • Investment management.

In some cases, you can choose which services you want or need based on the type of advisor you select. For example, a traditional in-person advisor will likely offer personalized, hands-on guidance for an ongoing fee. A robo-advisor is a low-cost, automated portfolio management service, typically best for those who want help managing their investments. Then there are online financial planning services, which marry the lower costs of a robo-advisor with the holistic guidance of a human advisor.

When to get a financial advisor

If you're struggling to prioritize your financial goals, need a plan for where and how to save, or want help with investment management, you may want to work with a financial advisor.

Financial advisors bring an expert and outside view to your finances, take a holistic look at your situation and suggest improvements. Financial advisors also can help you navigate complex financial matters such as taxes, estate planning and paying down debt, or help you invest with a certain strategy, such as impact investing.

A good financial advisor or robo-advisor can be worth the cost if you're able to save more money, cut your expenses or better plan for the future. A financial advisor can also help you feel more secure in your financial situation, which can be priceless.

But financial advisors can also come with high fees. Depending on the type of advisor you choose, you might pay anywhere from 0.25% to 1% of your balance each year. Some advisors charge a flat fee to create a financial plan, or an hourly, monthly or annual rate. (Here's a full overview of how much financial advisors cost.)

If you're just starting out, a robo-advisor or online planning service is likely the best fit for you.

» Compare online advisors: Choose from the best personal financial advisors

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What should I expect from a financial advisor?

A financial advisor should first take the time to understand the ins and outs of your personal financial situation and financial goals. Using this information, the advisor should offer recommendations on how to improve your situation, including:

Best practice includes touching base with your advisor periodically (at least once a year) to review your portfolio’s progress over time and determine if any changes should be made to course-correct.

Remember to interview various advisors to find someone you feel comfortable discussing your personal financial situation with. You can use our list of 10 questions to ask a financial advisor when conducting your due diligence.

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What Does a Financial Advisor Do? - NerdWallet (2)

Types of financial advisors and what they do

1. Robo-advisors

If you're looking to invest for retirement or another goal, a robo-advisor can be a great solution. They're almost always the lowest-cost option, and their computer algorithms will set up and manage an investment portfolio for you. You're probably a good candidate for a robo-advisor if:

You need to save for retirement but aren't sure where to begin.

You don't have much money to invest yet — robo-advisors typically have low or no account minimums.

Here’s what to expect from a robo-advisor:

  • Your first interaction will most likely be a questionnaire from the company you’ve selected as your provider. The questions help identify your goals, investing preferences and risk tolerance.

  • Based on the information you provide, the robo-advisor’s algorithm will recommend an investment portfolio that’s typically built using low-cost exchange-traded funds and index funds.

  • The service will then provide ongoing investment management, automatically rebalancing your investments as needed and taking steps to reduce your investment tax bill.

» Sound like the right fit? Check out NerdWallet’s picks for the best robo-advisors

2. Online financial planning services

Online financial planning services offer investment management combined with virtual financial planning. The cost is higher than you'll pay for a robo-advisor, but lower than you'd pay a traditional advisor.

Consider an online financial planning service if:

You want to work with a human advisor, but you don't mind meeting that advisor by phone or video. You'll save money by meeting virtually but still receive investment management and a holistic, personalized financial plan.

You want to choose which financial advice you receive. Some services, like Facet Weath, charge a flat fee based on the complexity of the advice you need and investment management is included. Others, like Betterment, charge a fee for investment management and offer a la carte planning sessions with an advisor.

For many people, this model is the right fit — it combines lower costs with a high level of service. Here's what to expect from an online planning service:

  • Some services function like hybrid robo-advisors: Your investments are managed by computer algorithms, but you'll have access to a team of financial advisors who can answer your specific financial planning questions.

  • At the other end of the spectrum are holistic services that pair each client with a dedicated CFP, a highly credentialed expert.

  • Either way, you should receive investment management and personalized financial guidance to help you meet your goals.

3. Traditional, in-person financial advisors

In addition to robo-advisors and online planning services, the term "financial advisor" can refer to people with a variety of designations, including:

  • CFP: Provides financial planning advice. To use the CFP designation from the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, an advisor must complete a lengthy education requirement, pass a stringent test and demonstrate work experience.

  • Registered investment advisor: Provides advice and makes recommendations in exchange for a fee. RIAs are registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or a state regulator, depending on the size of their company. Some focus on investment portfolios, others take a more holistic, financial planning approach. Learn more about investment advisors.

  • Wealth managers: Wealth management services typically concentrate on clients with a high net worth and provide holistic financial management.

Human financial advisors generally cost more than robo-advisors and online services, and may have minimum investment requirements of $250,000 or more. But you may decide to go for it if:

You're undergoing or planning a big life change, such as getting married or divorced, having a baby, buying a house, taking care of aging parents or starting a business.

You want to meet with someone in person and willing to pay more to do so.

Here's what to expect from a traditional advisor:

  • You'll likely meet in person at a local office.

  • The advisor will provide holistic planning and assistance to help you achieve financial goals.

  • You'll have in-depth conversations about your finances, short- and long-term goals, existing investments and tolerance for investing risk, among other topics.

  • Your advisor will work with you to create a plan tailored to your needs: retirement planning, investment help, insurance coverage, etc.

Hire an advisor you'll be comfortable working with and, of course, one who's qualified — ideally a CFP and a fiduciary, meaning she’s required to put your interests first.

» Ready to start? Here's how to choose a financial advisor.


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Which type of financial advisor is right for me?

There are many different types of financial advisors to choose from and considerations to make when deciding who is right for you. Think through the following factors:

  • End goal: What would you ultimately like to achieve (e.g., investment recommendations vs. holistic financial planning)?

  • Comfort level: How much experience and confidence do you have in your own investing prowess?

  • One vs. many: Do you prefer building a long-term relationship with one go-to person or are you willing to consult with different advisors when questions arise?

  • In-person vs. virtual: Do you prefer meeting face-to-face or will a conference call or video conference suffice?

  • Cost: How much are you willing to pay for advice and guidance?

What investment return should I expect from a financial advisor?

Historically, the average annual return for the stock market has come in around 10%. Taking inflation and other factors into consideration, you might expect an average annual return of 6% for stock market investments. However, the investment return you earn will ultimately depend on your portfolio’s overall asset allocation, time frame and market volatility.

For example, an investor with a moderate portfolio (generally speaking, a portfolio with a 60-40 investment mix, or 60% in stocks and 40% in fixed income) will not usually beat the S&P 500 index, which is composed of 100% large-cap U.S. stocks, during a rising market environment. By the same token, in times of market downturn, that same less-risky, moderate portfolio should hold up better than the S&P 500.

With a financial advisor’s advice, guidance and expertise, hopefully your portfolio will beat market returns, adjusted for risk. But remember that historical averages reflect market returns over a full market cycle, so it could take some patience to see results from investing, particularly if you entered the market during a down year.

Frequently asked questions

How do financial advisors make money?

Not only are there many different types of financial advisors, but advisors also make money in many different ways. Some advisors charge an ongoing fee based on the amount of assets they manage for you, some are paid commissions from the products they sell to you (annuities, life insurance, mutual funds, etc.) or from trades they place on your behalf, and some charge an hourly fee for the services they provide. Often, it’s a combination of these methods. Don’t be afraid to ask any advisor what they charge and compare their fees to others before moving forward. (Learn more about financial advisor fees here.)

What's the difference between a financial advisor and a financial planner?

A financial advisor can also be a financial planner or provide financial planning as part of their repertoire of services. A financial planner usually focuses on creating and analyzing financial plans and may not provide direct investment advice and/or manage assets. Finding a professional who is skilled in the particular area of your finances that you need help with will likely make the most sense.

How do I know if I can trust a financial advisor?

There are many ways to assess an advisor’s reputation. You can look up any registered broker, investment advisor or firm using BrokerCheck, a free service provided by FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. This tool shares background on the advisor’s employment history, licenses and certifications, along with any disciplinary actions or violations the advisor has been subject to while in a broker or advisor capacity.

Seeking an advisor with a certified financial planner designation helps, as they've had to meet rigorous standards surrounding education, experience, ethics and examination. They also must pledge to always act as a fiduciary, which means they make all decisions in the best interest of their clients.

The reputation of the firm the advisor is attached to, along with their tenure at the firm, testimonials from existing clients (feel free to ask for names to contact) and your own gut reaction when interacting with the advisor can all help provide peace of mind that you’ve selected a trustworthy and experienced advisor. And remember, you always have the power to change advisors at any time.

What Does a Financial Advisor Do? - NerdWallet (2024)


What Does a Financial Advisor Do? - NerdWallet? ›

A financial advisor helps people manage their money and reach their financial goals. Advisors can provide a range of financial planning services, from money management and budgeting guidance to investment management.

What exactly does a financial advisor do? ›

A financial advisor is an investment professional who can assist you in creating and implementing a personalized plan to pursue your financial goals, from college planning to retirement and more.

Is 2% fee high for a financial advisor? ›

Answer: From a regulatory perspective, it's usually prohibited to ever charge more than 2%, so it's common to see fees range from as low as 0.25% all the way up to 2%, says certified financial planner Taylor Jessee at Impact Financial.

Is 1.5 too much for a financial advisor? ›

While 1.5% is on the higher end for financial advisor services, if that's what it takes to get the returns you want, then it's not overpaying, so to speak. Staying around 1% for your fee may be standard, but it certainly isn't the high end. You need to decide what you're willing to pay for what you're receiving.

Are financial advisors worth 1%? ›

Determining whether 1% is too much to pay a financial advisor depends on the value they bring to your financial journey. If you are already working with a financial advisor, assessing their track record can provide valuable insights.

Is it really worth it to have a financial advisor? ›

If, however, you have some money you want to invest, maybe you run a business, or you come into an inheritance, a financial advisor is a good idea to help you navigate financial decisions. Their time might seem expensive, but consider the time you would need to spend to learn as much as they know.

How much money should you have to have a financial advisor? ›

Generally, having between $50,000 and $500,000 of liquid assets to invest can be a good point to start looking at hiring a financial advisor. Some advisors have minimum asset thresholds. This could be a relatively low figure, like $25,000, but it could $500,000, $1 million or even more.

How much should you tell your financial advisor? ›

An advisor needs to know how much money you bring in each month and each year. It will help them create a realistic plan for meeting your goals and protecting your assets. Yet, some clients don't disclose all their income sources to their advisor.

Should you put all your money with one financial advisor? ›

If you are just starting out and looking to build an investment portfolio, you may be better off using only one investment advisor. In the beginning, your portfolio may be limited to fewer investments belonging to the same category in terms of tax, contribution rules, etc.

Is a 1% management fee high? ›

Answer: A 1% fee is around industry average, but you could pay less. You need to ask yourself what type of value you're receiving for that fee. “Does the fee include ancillary services such as financial planning or tax preparation? Investment management, like any service, can be shopped around.

What is the 80 20 rule for financial advisors? ›

It suggests 80% of an outcome is often the result of just 20% of the effort you put into it. Often, by prioritizing the 20% of your efforts that make the biggest splash, you can reduce excess commotion.

What does Charles Schwab charge for a financial advisor? ›

There is no advisory fee or commissions charged for Schwab Intelligent Portfolios.

Does the average person need a financial advisor? ›

Not everyone needs a financial advisor, especially since it's an additional cost. But having the extra help and advice can be paramount in reaching financial goals, especially if you're feeling stuck or unsure of how to get there.

How many millionaires use a financial advisor? ›

The study reveals that 70% of millionaires work with a financial advisor, compared to just 37% of the general population. Moreover, over half (53%) of wealthy individuals consider their financial advisors their most trusted source of financial advice.

Should I use a financial advisor or do it myself? ›

Those who use financial advisors typically get higher returns and more integrated planning, including tax management, retirement planning and estate planning. Self-investors, on the other hand, save on advisor fees and get the self-satisfaction of learning about investing and making their own decisions.

Do financial advisors actually make you money? ›

Studies have shown that financial advisors have the potential to add, on average, between 1.5% and 4% to your portfolio above what the average person is able to get as a return on their own.

When should you use a financial advisor? ›

When to get a financial advisor
  1. Life events. Graduating college, getting married, expanding your family and starting a business are some major life events that might cause you to reevaluate your financial situation. ...
  2. Lack of experience. ...
  3. Developing a strategy.
Mar 7, 2024

How do financial advisors make money? ›

What Are the Ways Financial Advisors Get Money? The three main ways advisors get money are via commission, hourly-based fees, and advisory fees. Rates and average fees within these frameworks can vary widely, and some advisors may combine two or more structures.

Do financial advisors check your credit? ›

Your adviser probably will not pull a credit report on you and other family members, but the adviser almost certainly will assess your debt and paint an accurate personal financial picture for you. Make sure your financial adviser promises to respond to your changing needs and goals.


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.