Frequently Asked Questions - Leverage Shares ETPs (2024)

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Frequently Asked Questions - Leverage Shares ETPs (12)

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Leverage Shares exchange traded products (ETPs) seek to deliver five times (5x) three times (3x), two times (2x), minus one time (-1x), minus two times (-2x), minus three times (-3x), minus five times (-5x) & delta one (1:1) the daily performance of individual household name stocks and ETFs.Leverage Shares ETPs:

  • Can be efficient tools for gaining magnified exposure to individual stocks
  • Achieve leverage through margin borrowing
  • Have physical ownership of the underlying stocks, and therefore do not use swaps or other derivatives to achieve their exposure
  • Do not have credit risk, because each series of the special purpose vehicle (SPV) has physical ownership of the underlying stocks and does not use derivatives, like swaps, to achieve its leverage
  • Trade in real time on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), Euronext Amsterdam (XAMS) and Borsa Italiana (XMIL)
  • Prevent investors from losing more than their initial investment

The term “Exchange Traded Product” (ETP) is a broad term that encompasses Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs), and Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs). ETPs seek to provide returns based on the price movements of an underlying asset or benchmark, such as an index, commodity, or individual stock. However, ETFs, ETCs, and ETNs represent different structures for achieving this exposure and can pose different risks.ETPs, such as ETCs and ETNs, are structured as debt securities, but unlike conventional bonds, these instruments pay no interest and are not rated. ETPs can give investors a means of diversifying investment portfolios without the need to:

  • Enter into swap agreements or forward contracts
  • Take physical delivery of the underlying commodity
  • Hold securities that constitute the underlying index

Importantly, ETPs are different than ETFs in a number of ways. ETPs (including ETCs and ETNs) are not funds, and therefore lie outside the remit of UCITs — the Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities.However, while ETPs are not UCITS compliant, they may be UCITS eligible. This means that they are investments which — while again not themselves compliant with UCITS — are capable of being an eligible investment for another UCITS fund.

Leverage Shares Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) are debt instruments issued by a special purpose vehicle (SPV). Each ETP is a separate Series of the SPV, and is a debt security that delivers the returns of the assets held by the Series. Each Series invests its own assets and the assets borrowed on margin in a single stock, such as the common stock of Apple Inc. (AAPL), to achieve leveraged exposure to that equity as per its investment objective.

  • Exposure to the underlying stock is managed to deliver two times the return (gain or loss) of the underlying stock on a daily basis (net of fees and expenses)
  • Leverage Shares do not have credit risk because each Series of the SPV has physical ownership of the underlying assets and does not use derivatives, like swaps, to achieve its leverage
  • Each ETP is fully collateralized, as its subscription proceeds are invested directly in shares of the underlying equity security, effectively negating potential credit risk
  • Leverage Shares ETPs have access to institutional pricing for margin borrowing, and therefore can be a cost-effective means for investors to gain leveraged exposure to individual stocks

Yes, several Leverage Shares Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) (e.g., TSLS, AMZS, APLS) provide short exposure to the underlying security.

Trading Leverage Shares ETPs

BNP Paribas has an agreement with Leverage Shares to provide continuous bid/ask spread on all of our products. Regardless of the trading volume, you will always be able to buy and sell Leverage Shares ETPs.

Experienced investors and market participants may use Leverage Shares Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) for a variety of strategies, including but not limited to:

  • Responding to technical indicators on particular individual stocks
  • Trading the volatility and the directionality of individual stocks
  • Positioning or responding to earnings and news announcements
  • Reacting to overnight movements in foreign markets, which may carry momentum into the home market
  • Hedging existing exposures in a portfolio

Leverage Shares Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) can be traded through brokerage accounts that have the ability to trade products listed on the London Stock Exchange, Euronext Amsterdam, Borsa Italiana and the Chicago Board of Options Exchange.

  • EU trading hours
  • Low price
  • Multi-currency trading (GBx, USD, EUR)
  • ISA/SIPP eligibility
  • No W-8BEN forms

Please remember, however, that your capital is at risk if you invest. You may lose all of your investment. Tax treatment depends on your individual circ*mstances and may be subject to change in the future.

Product Characteristics

Leveraged ETPs (such as the Leverage Shares ETPs offering leveraged exposures where the underlyingasset is a stock or a bond) that use margin borrowing to achieve leveraged exposures invest their ownassets plus assets borrowed through a margin account directly in assets underlying the ETPs. Thismethod incurs borrowing costs related to margin borrowing, but avoids credit risks since it physicallyowns the underlying shares or bonds. Swap-based leveraged ETPs do not invest directly in the underlyingstocks or bonds and instead enter into over-the-counter (OTC) swap agreements with a counterparty.These swaps have associated costs (mainly in the form of fees charged by the swap counterparty) andare susceptible to the credit risk of the swap counterparty.

Leverage Shares ETPs which invest in stocks and bonds do not invest in over-the counter (OTC)derivatives like swaps or forwards. Since Leverage Shares plc physically own the underlying assets, thecredit risk associated with over the counter derivatives are not applicable to the Leverage Shares ETPs.

No. The most an investor can lose in a Leverage Shares ETP is the entire value of their initial investment plus any reinvested dividends.

Interactive Brokers is the clearing broker for Leverage Shares Exchange Traded Products (ETPs). For more information on our preferred providers, please see the ‘About’ page.

The index providers are the New York Stock Exchange and Stoxx Ltd., depending on the ETP. You can find out the index provider for each ETP on their respective product pages under “Our ETPs”. More information about the index providers and the indices can be found at and

No. Leverage Shares uniquely replicates the payout of its ETPs physically, so it holds the stocks underlying its leveraged ETPs and receives the dividends on such stocks. However, such dividends are reinvested in more shares of the underlying stock.

Costs and risks

The Margin Rate for our Leveraged ETPs is the respective Benchmark Rate plus one and a half percent (1.5%) and is applied to cash borrowed to meet the specified leverage factor of each ETP. Leverage Shares uses internationally recognized benchmarks on overnight deposits as a basis for determining the Benchmark Rates. For each ETP, the Benchmark Rate is determined by the base currency of the underlying equity security for the respective ETP, according to the following schedule:

Base Currency of Underlying Equity SecurityBenchmark Rate
GBPSterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA)
USDFed Funds Effective (Overnight Rate)
EUREuro Short-Term Rate (€STR)
  • Experienced investors with knowledge of leveraged Exchange Traded Products (ETPs)
  • Investors with high risk tolerance
  • Investors who can afford to lose some or all of their investment
  • Investors who understand the daily compounding of leveraged ETPs and its effects on long-term returns
  • Investors who have the time and ability to monitor their investments on a daily or intra-day basis

Leverage Shares Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) provide exposure to stocks that are listed in the US, UK or Italy. However, because the Leverage Shares ETPs are listed in London and may trade in currencies (e.g., GBP, USD, EUR) that are different from the currency of the underlying security, certain Leverage Shares ETPs will expose investors to foreign currency movements. For example, the Leverage Shares ETPs that are listed in GBP but which invest in US companies will reflect the currency movements between the British Pound (GBP) and the USD (US dollar). In this example, if the USD appreciates versus the GBP, this can positively impact the fund’s returns, while a depreciation of the USD versus the GBP is expected to negatively impact the returns. For more information, click here.

All product costs are detailed in the relevant exchange-traded product (ETP) FactSheet and KIDs, which are available on each individual ETP page. Generally, for our Leveraged and Inverse ETPs, the following fees are applicable:Leveraged Long Exposures1. Arranger Fee: 0.75% (annualized), on the ETP Value held by securityholder, charged daily;2. Margin Rate: Designated benchmark rate + 1.5% (annualized), on borrowed cash, charged daily.Short/Inverse Exposures 1. Arranger Fee: 0.75% (annualized), on the ETP Value held by securityholder, charged daily;2. Stock Borrow Rate: The current Borrow Rate (annualized) is published on on a daily basis.*Interest Paid to Investors on Cash Balances: Designated benchmark rate – 1% (annualized), on cash holdings, paid/added to ETP Value daily.

  • Higher Risk/Reward: Leveraged Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) provide magnified exposure to an underlying asset or benchmark and therefore can both gain or lose money much faster than investing in the underlying investment without leverage
  • Daily Compounding Risk: To meet its objective of doubling the daily returns of an asset’s or benchmark’s performance, the leveraged ETP must rebalance, or re-leverage, its position every day. Over a longer holding period, the daily rebalancing may result in returns that do not equal the specified multiple of the benchmark due to the effects of compounding
  • Investors can lose up to, but not more than, the full value of their investment, particularly in a volatile market environment
  • The full risk warnings should be read before purchasing a leveraged ETP (they can be found here)

ETPs that are denominated in currencies different from that of the underlying stock are priced using interbank exchange rates. These are the ultracompetitive rates used by banks to transfer money between themselves.

The Margin Rate for each Leverage Shares ETP is the respective Benchmark Rate plus one percent (1%). Leverage Shares uses internationally recognized benchmarks on overnight deposits as a basis for determining the Benchmark Rates. For each ETP, the Benchmark Rate is determined by the base currency of the underlying equity security for the respective ETP, according to the following schedule:Base Currency ofUnderlying Equity SecurityBenchmark RateGBP GBP LIBOR (Overnight Rate)USD Fed Funds Effective (Overnight Rate)EUR EONIA (Euro Overnight Index Average)

  • Experienced investors with knowledge of leveraged Exchange Traded Products (ETPs)
  • Investors with high risk tolerance
  • Investors who can afford to lose some or all of their investment
  • Investors who understand the daily compounding of leveraged ETPs and its effects on long-term returns
  • Investors who have the time and ability to monitor their investments on a daily or intra-day basis

Leverage Shares Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) provide exposure to stocks that are listed in the US, UK or Italy. However, because the Leverage Shares ETPs are listed in London and may trade in currencies (e.g., GBP, USD, EUR) that are different from the currency of the underlying security, certain Leverage Shares ETPs will expose investors to foreign currency movements. For example, the Leverage Shares ETPs that are listed in GBP but which invest in US companies will reflect the currency movements between the British Pound (GBP) and the USD (US dollar). In this example, if the USD appreciates versus the GBP, this can positively impact the fund’s returns, while a depreciation of the USD versus the GBP is expected to negatively impact the returns.

All product costs are detailed in the relevant exchange-traded product (ETP) FactSheet and KIDs, which are available on each individual ETP page. Generally, the following fees are applicable:

Long Exposures
1. Arranger Fee: Charged daily, annual rate of 0.75% of the ETP Value held by securityholder;
2. Daily Margin Interest: Designated benchmark rate + 1.5%.

Short Exposures
1. Arranger Fee: Charged daily, annual rate of 0.75% of the ETP Value;
2. Securities Borrowing Fee and Interest on Cash: The current Securities Lending Fee is published on on a daily basis).

  • Higher Risk/Reward: Leveraged Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) provide magnified exposure to an underlying asset or benchmark and therefore can both gain or lose money much faster than investing in the underlying investment without leverage
  • Daily Compounding Risk: To meet its objective of doubling the daily returns of an asset’s or benchmark’s performance, the leveraged ETP must rebalance, or re-leverage, its position every day. Over a longer holding period, the daily rebalancing may result in returns that do not equal the specified multiple of the benchmark due to the effects of compounding
  • Investors can lose up to, but not more than, the full value of their investment, particularly in a volatile market environment
  • The full risk warnings should be read before purchasing a leveraged ETP (they can be found here)

ETPs that are denominated in currencies different from that of the underlying stock are priced using interbank exchange rates. These are the ultracompetitive rates used by banks to transfer money between themselves.


No: Payments on Leverage Shares ETPs which receives US source dividends on are not subject to U.S. federal withholding tax under section 871 (m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Accordingly, brokers do not need to take any action with respect to section 871 (m).

Leverage Shares ETPs are in fact eligible* as Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS), meaning they can be invested in by other UCITS-compliant funds. However, Leverage Shares ETPs themselves are not UCITS-compliant.*Disclaimer: UCITS eligibility subject to the specific UCIT schemes’ investment and borrowing powers as outlined in its Prospectus and legal instruments constituting the UCITS scheme.

Leverage Shares is entitled to benefits under the U.S.-Ireland income tax treaty with respect to any U.S. source dividends it receives. Accordingly, Leverage Shares is subject to 15% withholding tax on U.S. source dividends.

No. UK stamp duty is not payable on overseas domiciled Exchange-Traded Products (ETPs) like Leverage Shares ETPs, which are domiciled in Ireland.


Brokers onboard products to their platform based on customer demand. Kindly contact their help desk and request that they are added.Alternatively, please inform us about the issue so that our sales team can liaise with the broker directly.

Yes, Leverage Shares ETPs can continue to trade on regulated exchanges at very low prices, even a few pennies. Leverage Shares may execute a reverse split in order to bring the trading price back to higher levels (approximately $5).

The price change on the underlying due to a stock/reverse stock split has no influence on the price of the ETP. For example, in the case of a split, the ETP would receive the additional shares resulting from the split, so it would hold more shares at a lower price, leaving the price of the ETP identical.

The ETP(s) tracking the instrument would either:

  • Begin tracking another product, possibly a European GDR listing or the locally listed stock in Asia;
  • If there is no other liquid instrument that Leverage Shares can use, be redeemed – returning the value of invested amounts back to investors, net of fees and costs.
  • In the unlikely scenario that an ETP is delisted or redeemed by Leverage Shares, the shares and instruments underlying such ETP (the “Collateral”) would be sold or unwound, and the resulting amounts returned to investors, net of applicable fees and costs.
  • Leverage Shares ETPs are fully collateralised – this Collateral is held in favour of an independent trustee acting on behalf and for the benefit of investors.
  • For more information, click here

The consolidation will result in an investor holding less ETPs with a proportionately higher ETP Security Value. An investor’s economic interest in a Series of ETP Securities will remain unchanged. For more information, clickhere.

A spin-off is considered an “Adjustment Event” requiring a modification to the index or investment strategy applicable to the Series of ETP Securities. In this case, the PM would sell the automatically acquired spin-off shares at the market close of the first business day post spin-off (or whenever the shares are available to trade by the PM, whichever comes first) and concurrently reinvest the proceeds into the underlying shares or basket matching the relevant index or investment strategy.

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Oktay Kavrak

  • [emailprotected]
  • +1 (203) 883-9646

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  • [emailprotected]
  • +1 (347) 352-8892

Frequently Asked Questions - Leverage Shares ETPs (14)

Welcome to Leverage Shares

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Risk Warnings

The value of an investment in ETPs may go down as well as up and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Trading in ETPs may not be suitable for all types of investor as they carry a high degree of risk. You may lose all of your initial investment. Only speculate with money you can afford to lose. Changes in exchange rates may also cause your investment to go up or down in value. Tax laws may be subject to change. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. If in any doubt, please seek independent financial advice. Investors should refer to the section entitled “Risk Factors” in the relevant prospectus for further details of these and other risks associated with an investment in the securities offered by the Issuer.

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Nothing on this website is advice on the merits of any product or investment, nothing constitutes investment, legal, tax or any other advice nor is it to be relied on in making an investment decision. Prospective investors should obtain independent investment advice and inform themselves as to applicable legal requirements, exchange control regulations and taxes in their jurisdiction.

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Access to this site is restricted to Non-U.S. Persons outside the United States within the meaning of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”). Each person accessing this site, by so doing, acknowledges that: (1) it is not a U.S. person (within the meaning of Regulation S under the Securities Act) and is located outside the U.S. (within the meaning of Regulation S under the Securities Act); and (2) any securities described herein (A) have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction and (B) may not be offered, sold, pledged or otherwise transferred except to persons outside the U.S. in accordance with Regulation S under the Securities Act pursuant to the terms of such securities. None of the funds on this website are registered under the United States Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Advisers Act”).

Exclusion of Liability

Certain documents made available on the website have been prepared and issued by persons other than Leverage Shares Management Company. This includes any Prospectus document. Leverage Shares Management Company is not responsible in any way for the content of any such document. Except in those cases, the information on the website has been given in good faith and every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy. Nevertheless, Leverage Shares Management Company shall not be responsible for loss occasioned as a result of reliance placed on any part of the website and it makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of any information or content on the website. The description of any ETP Security referred to in this website is a general one. The terms and conditions applicable to investors will be set out in the Prospectus, available on the website and should be read prior to making any investment.

Leverage Investment

Leverage Shares exchange-traded products (ETPs) provide leveraged exposure and are only suitable for experienced investors with knowledge of the risks and potential benefits of leveraged investment strategies.


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This website is maintained by Leverage Shares Management Company, which is a limited liability company and is incorporated in Ireland with registered offices at 2 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2.

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Frequently Asked Questions - Leverage Shares ETPs (2024)


What is leverage share ETP? ›

Leverage Shares Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) are debt instruments issued by a special purpose vehicle (SPV). Each ETP is a separate Series of the SPV, and is a debt security that delivers the returns of the assets held by the Series.

What is the problem with leveraged ETFs? ›

Leveraged ETFs decay due to the compounding effect of daily returns, also known as "volatility drag." This means that the returns of the ETFs may not match the returns of the underlying asset over longer periods.

How do ETPs reflect the price of their underlying? ›

Unit prices typically reflect the approximate NAV of the ETP's underlying asset at any given point in the day. The secondary-market price of ETP units may be more or less than the net asset value (NAV) of the underlying securities.

How long should you hold leveraged ETFs? ›

In the long term, new risks arise. Because of how leveraged ETFs are constructed, they are only intended for very short holding periods, such as intraday.

What is the risk of ETP? ›

What Are the Risks Associated With Investing in ETPs? Investing in ETPs carries various risks, including market risk, liquidity risk, tracking error, and specific risks associated with the underlying assets. Market conditions, geopolitical events, and interest rate changes can impact ETPs' performance.

How do Leverage Shares work? ›

Leverage amplifies returns by a given factor. Any potential gains and losses are multiplied by the leverage factor. Trading on leverage typically entails borrowing, but by trading Leverage Shares ETPs investors don't need to borrow funds. An investor would typically take a long position to benefit from a rising market.

What is the biggest risk of leveraged ETF? ›

The two major risks associated with leveraged ETFs are decay and high volatility. High volatility translates to high risk. Decay emanates from holding the ETFs for long periods.

Can I lose all my money with leveraged ETFs? ›

Leveraged ETFs amplify daily returns and can help traders generate outsized returns and hedge against potential losses. A leveraged ETF's amplified daily returns can trigger steep losses in short periods of time, and a leveraged ETF can lose most or all of its value.

Which is the biggest key risk associated with leveraged ETFs? ›

1. Market risk. The single biggest risk in ETFs is market risk.

What is the maximum loss in ETP trading? ›

Short and leveraged ETPs do not require direct borrowing, options trading or the maintenance of margin accounts by investors. Furthermore, investors cannot lose more than the initial amount invested.

What is the holding period for ETP? ›

This period of time is typically one day. This means that leveraged ETPs need to rebalance the leverage at the end of each trading day to ensure they offer investors the same leverage factor on each new trading day.

What is the difference between ETFs and ETPs? ›

Exchange-traded products (ETPs) are a broad category of investments that are listed on stock exchanges and trade like stocks. ETPs comprise various products, including exchange-traded funds (ETFs), exchange-traded notes (ETNs) and exchange-traded commodities (ETCs).

Can a leveraged ETF go to zero? ›

Because they rebalance daily, leveraged ETFs usually never lose all of their value. They can, however, fall toward zero over time. If a leveraged ETF approaches zero, its manager typically liquidates its assets and pays out all remaining holders in cash.

Are ETP easy to sell? ›

ETPs are designed to resemble an underlying index or return of an asset, with convenient trading and access. They are just as easy to buy and sell as the shares; at any moment, the market is available.

Do leveraged ETFs reset daily? ›

Most leveraged and inverse ETFs reset each day, which means they are designed to achieve their stated objective on a daily basis. With the effects of compounding, over longer timeframes the results can differ significantly from their objective.

What is a 3x leveraged ETP? ›

Leveraged 3X ETFs are funds that track a wide variety of asset classes, such as stocks, bonds and commodity futures, and apply leverage in order to gain three times the daily or monthly return of the respective underlying index.

What does ETP mean in investing? ›

Exchange-traded products (ETPs) are investment vehicles traded on major stock exchanges, offering investors exposure to a diverse range of assets without directly owning them. While exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are the most common variety of ETP, they aren't the only kind.

Is ETP a good investment? ›

Although any sort of investment is risky, ETPs are sometimes considered to be less risky than other investment strategies. Some ETPs, like ETFs, carry less risk than investing in a single company, because of the fact that they follow an index.

Should I invest in ETP? ›

Factors to consider when choosing between ETPs and ETFs include expense ratios, liquidity options, diversification, and regulatory oversight. Investors should thoroughly research any ETP or ETF and seek professional advice before investing in them.


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