The Safe Way to Cancel a Credit Card (2024)

Does Closing a Credit Card Hurt Your Credit?

Does canceling a credit card hurt your credit? You’ve likely heard that closing a credit card account may damage your credit score. And while it is generally true that canceling a credit card can impact your score, that isn’t always the case. If you pay off all your credit card accounts (not just the one you’re canceling) to $0 before canceling your card, you can avoid a decrease in your credit score.

Typically, leaving your credit card accounts open is the best option, even if you’re not using them. However, there are a few valid reasons for deciding to close an account. For example, it’s best to close joint credit card accounts during a separation or divorce, or close an account if your credit card company charges high annual fees.

Read on to learn what the reasons are—and to get details on how to cancel a card the right way.

Key Takeaways

  • Closing a credit card account is sometimes necessary, despite advice against doing so.
  • A credit card can be canceled without harming your credit score⁠.
  • To avoid damage to your credit score, paying down credit card balances first (not just the one you’re canceling) is key.
  • Closing a charge card won’t affect your credit history (history is a factor in your overall credit score).
  • Closing a credit card could hurt your credit score by increasing your credit utilization if you don't pay off all your balances.

Understanding the Impact of Credit Utilization Ratio

Credit experts advise against closing credit cards, even when you’re not using them, for good reason. “Canceling a credit card has the potential to reduce your score, not increase it,” says Beverly Harzog, credit card expert and consumer finance analyst for U.S. News & World Report.

Closing a credit cardcan impact your credit utilization ratio, potentially dinging your credit score. Credit utilization measures how much of your total available credit is being used, based on your credit reports. The more available credit you use (per your reports), the worse the impact will be on your score.

Here’s a simple example of how closing a $0 balance credit card backfires:

  • Credit card number one has a $1,000 limit and a $1,000 balance.
  • Credit card number two has a $1,000 limit and a $0 balance.
  • Your credit utilization on both cards combined is 50% ($1,000 total balances ÷ $2,000 in total limits = 50% utilization).
  • Close credit card number two, and your credit utilization jumps to 100% ($1,000 total balances ÷ $1,000 total limits = 100% utilization).

You should aim to pay your credit card balances in full every month. Doing so not only protects your credit scores but also can save you a lot of money in interest.

Paying your balance in full is especially important before closing a credit card account. If all of your credit cards show $0 balances on your credit reports, then you can close a card without hurting your credit score.

The higher the credit utilization ratio, the more it can negatively impact your credit score. That’s why it is commonly recommended to keep the ratio below 30%.

Good Reasons to Cancel a Credit Card

Canceling a credit card is usually a bad idea. Nevertheless, there are some circ*mstances in which a card cancellation could be in your best interest. Here are three.

Separation or Divorce

It’s best to close joint credit card accounts during a separation or divorce. As a joint cardholder, you’ll be liable for any past or future charges made on the account. It’s not uncommon for an angry ex to run up excessive charges on a joint card out of spite.

If that happens—or even if routine spending occurs on a joint account after separation—the charges will be your responsibility as well. Your divorce decree might state that your former spouse is responsible for the debt, but that won’t release you from your obligation in your lender’s eyes.

High Annual Fees

If your card issuer charges you a high annual fee for an account that you don’t use, cancellation might be warranted. However, if you receive benefits from the account that outweigh the annual fee, such as travel credits and perks, then it might be worth the cost.

An annual fee on a credit card that you don’t use or benefit from is another story.

Before you cancel the account, call your card issuer to ask for the annual fee to be waived. Be sure to mention that you’re considering closing your account. It doesn’t hurt to ask, and you might be pleasantly surprised.

Too Much Temptation

Some people find the temptation to use credit cards—especially store credit cards—too much to resist. And while this might be a valid reason to close a card for some, you can try other ways to curb overspending without sacrificing your credit score.

For example, you could remove your credit cards from your wallet and store them in a safe place. By not having your cards readily available, you may find the temptation easier to resist.

Once a credit card is canceled, you won’t be able to reopen the account.

How to Cancel a Credit Card: 6 Steps

Let’s say you do decide that closing the account is the best move. Here are six simple tips to help you navigate the process:

  1. Redeem unused rewards on your account before you call to cancel.
  2. Ideally, pay off all your credit card accounts (not just the one you’re canceling) to $0 before canceling any card. At the very least, minimize your balances as much as possible.
  3. Call your credit card issuer to cancel and confirm that your balance on the account is $0.
  4. Mail a certified letter to your card issuer to cancel the account. In this letter, request that written confirmation of your $0 balance and closed account status be mailed to you.
  5. Check your three credit reports 30 to 45 days after cancellation to make sure that the account reports that it was closed by the cardholder and that your balance is $0.
  6. Dispute any incorrect information on your reports with the three credit bureaus.

Closing a Credit Card Won’t Impact Your Credit History

You may have heard that closing a credit card causes you to “lose credit” for the age of the account. That is mostly a myth.

Credit expert John Ulzheimer, formerly of FICO and Equifax, confirms that closing a credit card will not immediately remove it from your credit reports. “As long as the credit card remains on your report, you will still get the value of the age of the account in both the FICO and VantageScore branding credit scoring models. The only way to lose the value of the age of the card is if it’s removed from your reports,” Ulzheimer says.

A closed account will remain on your reports for up to seven years (if negative) or around 10 years (if positive). As long as the account is on your reports, it will be factored into the average age of your credit.


The percent that FICO uses to factor in credit history as part of your overall credit score. Payment history and amounts owed, which have the largest impact out of five categories, account for 35% and 30%, respectively.

How Does Closing a Credit Card Affect Your Credit Score?

Your credit score might be hurt if closing the card changes your credit utilization ratio. Credit utilization measures how much of your total available credit is being used, based on your credit reports. The more available credit you use, the worse the impact will be on your score. Aim for a ratio of around 30%.

How Do You Keep Your Utilization Rate Low?

Don’t keep a large balance, and do this by paying it off every month (this will also save you from paying interest). Provided all of your credit cards show $0 balances on your credit reports, you can close a card without hurting your credit score. If you're responsible with credit and you always pay on time, you could also ask your card issuer(s) to increase your credit limit. Increasing your credit limit will have the effect of lowering your utilization score. However, be careful to avoid the temptation of running up additional balances; that will defeat the purpose.

Will Closing a Card Damage My Credit History?

Not really. A closed account will remain on your reports for up to seven years (if negative) or around 10 years (if positive). As long as the account is on your reports, it will be factored into the average age of your credit.

The Bottom Line

Don’t close a credit card account without a good reason. Having a lot of credit cards won’t necessarily hurt your credit score significantly if you handle them responsibly. However, if you need to cancel a card, do your best to reduce all your credit card balances first (preferably to $0), so you can either minimize or avoid any credit score damage.

The Safe Way to Cancel a Credit Card (2024)


What is the safest way to cancel a credit card? ›

Ideally, pay off all your credit card accounts (not just the one you're canceling) to $0 before canceling any card. At the very least, minimize your balances as much as possible. Call your credit card issuer to cancel and confirm that your balance on the account is $0.

Does cancelling a credit card hurt your credit? ›

Key takeaways: Closing a credit card can hurt your scores because it lowers your available credit and can lead to a higher credit utilization, meaning the gap between your spending and the amount of credit you can borrow narrows. Canceling a card can also decrease the average age of your accounts.

Is it better to cancel unused credit cards or keep them? ›

In most cases, however, it's best to keep unused credit cards open so you benefit from longer credit history and lower credit utilization (as a result of more available credit). You can use the card for occasional small purchases or recurring payments to keep it active as opposed to using it regularly.

How do I get rid of a credit card without hurting my credit? ›

Pay off your credit card debt

“Ideally, if you want to protect yourself, pay every balance down to zero before picking the card you want to close,” says McClary. If your CUR is 0%, it's still going to be 0% when you close a card. No jump in CUR or late payments means no credit score penalty.

Is it bad to close a credit card with zero balance? ›

Your credit utilization ratio goes up

By closing a credit card account with zero balance, you're removing all of that card's available balance from the ratio, in turn, increasing your utilization percentage. The higher your balance-to-limit ratio, the more it can hurt your credit.

What happens if I close a credit card with a positive balance? ›

If you close a credit card with a balance, you'll still be responsible for that debt. Card issuers will continue to send statements in the mail, and interest will still be applied to that balance. It's best to leave your account open, as there can be negative impacts on your credit score if you close a card.

What is the procedure to cancel the credit card? ›

Contact your credit card issuer to cancel your account. Request a written confirmation that your balance is zero before closing. Thirty to 45 days after cancellation, check your credit report. You want to see a report that the account was closed by the cardholder and that the balance is zero.

What reasons can you cancel a credit card? ›

Not using a card, wanting to reduce the number of cards you have, not wanting to pay hefty annual fees or switching brand loyalty from one hotel or airline to another are all great reasons to close a credit card account.

How much will my credit score drop if I cancel a card? ›

While there's truth to the idea that closing a credit account can lower your score, the magnitude of the effect depends on various factors, such as how many other credit accounts you have and how old those accounts are. Sometimes the impact is minimal and your score drops just a few points.

Is it bad to have a credit card and not use it? ›

The other risk of leaving a card inactive is the issuer might decide to close the account. If you haven't used a card for a long period, it generally will not hurt your credit score. However, if a lender notices your inactivity and decides to close the account, it can cause your score to slip.

Is it bad to have a lot of credit cards with zero balance? ›

However, multiple accounts may be difficult to track, resulting in missed payments that lower your credit score. You must decide what you can manage and what will make you appear most desirable. Having too many cards with a zero balance will not improve your credit score. In fact, it can actually hurt it.

How long should you keep a credit card before cancelling? ›

Experts generally don't recommend you ever cancel a credit card, unless you're paying for it (such as in the form of an annual fee) and not ever using it. And if this is the case, canceling a card once probably won't hurt you as long as you have a healthy credit history otherwise.

What happens if you cancel a credit card with an annual fee? ›

Many card issuers will usually credit an annual fee if you close the account and request a refund quickly enough. You have about 30 days after an annual fee posts to do this—give or take a few days. It varies by issuer and is not always guaranteed.

Can I cancel a credit card and still make payments? ›

Short answer: yes. In most cases, you can close a credit card before you've paid off the remaining balance, but you'll have to continue making payments until it's paid off. There could also be other repercussions that you should beware of before making your decision.

How to properly close a credit card? ›

In general, you should be able to close your account by calling the credit card company and following up with a written notice. If you still have a balance when you close your account, you are required to pay off any balance on schedule. The card company is allowed to charge interest on the amount you still owe.

Can a cancelled credit card still be charged? ›

Why won't the bank stop accepting these charges? Most credit card account agreements require you to cancel all agreements for preauthorized charges by merchants before closing the account to prevent the charges from being accepted. You should contact the merchant, rather than the bank, to cancel the agreement.

Why did my credit score go down when I paid off my credit card? ›

Similarly, if you pay off a credit card debt and close the account entirely, your scores could drop. This is because your total available credit is lowered when you close a line of credit, which could result in a higher credit utilization ratio.

Can I keep a zero balance on my credit card? ›

Keeping a zero balance is a sign that you're being responsible with the credit extended to you. As long as you keep utilization low and continue on-time payments with a zero balance, there's a good chance you'll see your credit score rise, as well.

Is it bad to close my credit card? ›

Since your credit utilization ratio is the ratio of your current balances to your available credit, reducing the amount of credit available to you by closing a credit card could cause your credit utilization ratio to go up and your credit score to go down.

How many points does your credit drop when closing a credit card? ›

There is no fixed amount of points that your score will drop by. The impact of closing an account depends in large part on how many other credit card accounts you have open, and what the balances and limits on those cards are.

How long does it take to recover from closing a credit card? ›

“While your scores may decrease initially after closing a credit card, they typically rebound in a few months if you continue to make your payments on time,” Griffin says.

Can I close a credit card if I owe money on it? ›

You can close a credit card with a balance, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, by closing the credit card you can no longer use it to make purchases. Second, you are still responsible for paying off the rest of your balance. Third, the outstanding balance can still accrue interest.

Should I pay off my credit card in full or leave a small balance? ›

Bottom line. If you have a credit card balance, it's typically best to pay it off in full if you can. Carrying a balance can lead to expensive interest charges and growing debt.

Does opening a credit card hurt your credit? ›

When you open a new credit card, your average account age decreases. Therefore, 25% of your credit score takes a hit when you're approved for a credit card. Fortunately, the effects won't last very long and your score will bounce back within a couple months—if you use your credit card responsibly.


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