The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 1941-1960 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 1941

When Charlie and Jacob arrived at the hospital, Claire had already reached.

When Jacob and his son-in-law came to the ward, Elaine was holding Claire’s hand, and the crying could be heard outside the room.

Claire was also wiping tears distressedly.

Although Charlie heard that his mother-in-law had suffered a lot today, he had been outside at the time and had not entered, so he didn’t see what was going on inside.

Moreover, after Elaine was brought out by Orvel’s men, she was directly sent to the hospital, and Charlie did not see her face either.

Seeing Elaine with a blue nose and swollen face and missing a piece of hair on her forehead, he couldn’t help sighing in his heart: “Oh, Mother-in-law is really miserable. This time she was in this way. It was really a disaster. The ghost knew that Cynthia would suddenly run away. Looking for her?”

Seeing Charlie’s arrival, Elaine felt wronged and finally regarded as a catharsis, crying and said: “Good son-in-law, mom is so miserable…”

After speaking, she cried out of breath.

Charlie hurried forward, pretending to be concerned and asked: “Mom, what’s wrong with you?”

Elaine waved her hand and wiped her tears: “Hey, I can’t mention it, I can’t mention it, it’s a bitter tear…”

Looking at her like this, Jacob didn’t dare to laugh even if he wanted to. He just stood there motionless or spoken.

Elaine glanced at him, and said angrily: “Jacob, what are you doing here!”

Jacob hurriedly said, “You said what I am here to do, of course I am here to see you.”

“See me?” Elaine said angrily: “I think you came to see me and laugh at me!”

Jacob hummed in his heart: “Hey, I really made you right, but I can’t admit it…”

So, he can only say embarrassingly: “What are you talking about it? Even if we are separated or divorced, we will be together for half a lifetime. You were bullied in this way. I must feel sorry for you!”

Elaine glared at him: “You feel bad a*, you! don’t know what you old dog are thinking, you fcking want me to be lame forever!”

Jacob did not expect Elaine to guess so accurately, but he did not dare to respond.

Fortunately, Claire on the side said at this time, “Mom, don’t quarrel with Dad. He came to see you out of concern.”

Elaine said angrily, “I don’t need his care.”

After speaking, she looked at Charlie again, and said bitterly: “Good son-in-law, this time I was tossed by the same group of people who engaged in MLM last time. Mom is really in bad luck. This time I will be fighting for a few months with the plaster, not only I can’t cook for you, but also won’t be able to go anywhere in the future. The days to come will be extremely depressing…”

Charlie understood Elaine’s meaning at once.

So he immediately said openly: “Mom, in this case, I’ll cook the food in the future. In addition, I will transfer you 100,000 in pocket money. You are really bored during this time. You can buy something online. Just play with things and it’s time to manage and be patient.”

When Elaine heard this, she was immediately moved!

In fact, she didn’t expect Charlie to give her money at all.

She just felt that Charlie had promised her that he would pay 30,000 a month for food and another 10,000 for the hard cost of cooking. She did not dare to deduct the food cost, but the hard work should be taken for granted.

But now she is limping again, and she can’t buy vegetables and cook. No one can do this work. She was afraid she couldn’t ask Charlie for the 10,000.

Chapter 1942

That’s why she wanted to pretend to be pitiful and hope that Charlie won’t deduct her 10,000 for hard work.

But she didn’t expect him to be so generous, he would directly give her one hundred thousand!

Hearing this, Elaine immediately felt refreshed, and was also full of gratitude to Charlie, and said hurriedly: “Hey, you are really a good son-in-law of your mother! With a son-in-law like you, mother has cultivated blessings for several lifetimes…”

Claire was secretly speechless when he heard this.

The reason for the tongue is that she discovered that when her mother said this, her attitude was really sincere. It seemed that she was really from the bottom of her heart, rather than just saying two polite words…

Charlie didn’t expect that one hundred thousand would be able to move Elaine into this, and he couldn’t help but chuckled secretly, thinking: “I knew this superb mother-in-law, so I can send her away with such a small amount of money. I would not have to worry if I gave her some money?”

However, if you think about it, this matter is not that simple.

In the past, Elaine controlled the family’s financial power, not to mention, at least two million in his hands. At that time, if she was given more than two hundred thousand, she would really not be able to send her.

However, after being sacked by Horiyah and spending a few days in the detention center, her starting point has been reduced a lot, and her appetite is not as great as before.

Charlie was also very straightforward. After talking here, he immediately transferred 100,000 to Elaine’s card. When Elaine received the receipt message from the bank, she immediately beamed and said happily: “It’s my son-in-law who loves me!”

At this time, the doctor just came in for the rounds, Claire hurriedly asked her: “Doctor, can I ask you, how is Mom’s situation now?”

The female doctor explained: “The patient is here mainly to recover and recuperate. This does take a while, and there is nothing else to pay attention to. You can let her under observation in the hospital, or you can take her home for recuperation.”

Claire said, “Mom, why don’t we take you home for training, so that it will be convenient for us to take care of you! Besides, it will be the New Year soon, and staying in the hospital is too deserted.”

Elaine nodded again and again: “This hospital feels very bad. I don’t want to wait for a minute. Anyway, my leg is not broken for the first time. I already have experience. I will wait until my bottle of fluid infusion is finished later. Just take me home!”


At the same time, in Aurous Hill People’s Hospital.

Noah and Harold were forced to leave the ward because they could not pay the hospital fee.

The father and son were lying on the mobile cart in the hospital, and Mrs. Willson and Wendy pushed them to the parking lot together.

When they came, it was Wendy who drove the new Bentley bought at home.

The Bentley is not an ambulance, and there is no way for them to lie down safely, so they can only find an ambulance to transport them.

However, it costs money to find an ambulance.

The family of four has no cash on them, and all bank cards and electronic payment accounts have been frozen. Now they are really penniless, and they don’t know how to pay for the parking fee after driving out of the hospital.

Just when they were at a loss, two middle-aged men stepped over and said, “Is it Mrs. Willson?”

Mrs. Willson said in a hurry, “It’s me, who are you?”

The other party said: “We are sent by Mr. Regnar, for the sake of your family’s pitifulness, arranged an ambulance for you to take the four of you back to the villa.”

Mrs. Willson breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully: “That’s great! Could you arrange an ambulance to take my son and my grandson back, and I will drive back together with my granddaughter.”

The other party waved his hand: “Sorry, you two have to take the ambulance back as well, because this Bentley was bought with our President Wu’s money, so he asked us to take the car back!”

Chapter 1943

Mrs. Willson heard the other party’s words, and she felt as if she was struck by lightning. Just stand on the spot!

She said helplessly and begging: “Two brothers, please call Mr. Regnar and say that our family is exhausted now. I beg him to show mercy and leave us a little escape. Leave the Bentley to us…”

After speaking, she quickly added: “Even if you just borrow us to use it for a few years!”

The other side said blankly: “I’m sorry, Mr. Regnar, said that a family like yours really can’t come to the table, so he doesn’t want to have any interests or entanglements with you anymore. The villa allows you to live in, it is already his. The greatest kindness, if you don’t know what is good or bad, then I’m sorry, the villa, he can also take it back at any time!”

Mrs. Willson’s heart throbbed for a while, but at this time, she did not dare to say any rebellious words.

Wendy on the side couldn’t help choking: “Please tell Mr. Regnar again, you two, look at the way my dad and my brother are now, our family has no credit and hard cash, and there is fatigue without hard work… ..”

The other party said coldly: “If you are still talking so much nonsense, then the villa is really gone.”

Mrs. Willson hurriedly said at this time: “Wendy, stop talking! Get out of the car handover the keys quickly!”

Wendy was extremely angry, but she did not dare to continue to resist, so she cried and took out the car key and handed it to the other party.

The man took the key and said to the Willson family: “Okay, the ambulance has been arranged for you. Your family of five should go back quickly. We will drive away now.”

After speaking, the two got into the Bentley car and directly started the car to leave the scene.

At this time, an old ambulance drove to the family and stopped. The driver lowered the window and asked, “Are you going to Tomson?”

“Yes…” Mrs. Willson nodded sullenly, and said, “Thank you, please take the four of us to Tomson a06.”

The driver and a young man in the co-pilot got out of the car and helped them lift Noah and Harold up there, and then said to Mrs. Willson and Wendy: “You two will squeeze in too.”

Mrs. Willson nodded and said to Wendy: “Wendy, this ambulance is a bit tall, please help grandma.”

Wendy wiped her tears, rubbed her red eyes again, choked up and said, “OK, Grandma…”

Horiyah hurriedly followed, and said flatly: “Mom, I will help you too!”

Mrs. Willson opened her hand and yelled angrily: “Get out! Don’t touch me!”

Horiyah didn’t expect that the Old Lady suddenly got angry with her, and asked a little aggrieved: “Mom, where did I offend you?”

Mrs. Willson gritted her teeth and cursed: “You have offended me everywhere! If it weren’t for you, our family wouldn’t be what it is today! If it weren’t for you, they wouldn’t be able to beat you up for more than ten million! If it wasn’t for you, Noah will not always be ridiculed by Elaine!! If it weren’t for you, Noah would not be able to do anything to Elaine. He and Harold are so miserable now, this is all your harm!”

Horiyah cried all at once.

Chapter 1944

She was also extremely aggrieved in her heart, crying and said, “Mom, I know you have been worried about my pregnancy in the black coal mine, but I was really trying to survive, otherwise, I might have already died!”

“Furthermore, the ten million things I did not deliberately want to get rid of!”

“I intended to deceive Elaine’s money and villa, so as to improve the living conditions of our family! All my efforts and sacrifices are all for this family!”

When Mrs. Willson heard her talk about pregnancy, she immediately felt as if she had been slapped twice, and immediately yelled: “You shameless b*tch, dare to mention pregnancy! Depraved family-style, depraved morals, and extremely shameless! Had Regnar protected you, I would have driven you out of the house!”

With that said, Mrs. Willson was so angry that she even lost her breathing rhythm. She gritted her teeth and said: “Also! When you came out of the black coal kiln, you were not only pregn@nt with a wild species! You also contracted a venereal disease! You also infected my son! Do you think I don’t know?!”

Horiyah’s face turned red.

Just when she didn’t know how to fight back, the driver asked impatiently, “I said your family can’t leave? If you want to fight, pull the two sick numbers from the car and accompany you. Noisy, we are still waiting to get off work, we have no time to spend with you here!”

When Mrs. Willson heard this, she immediately persuaded him, and hurriedly said: “Mr. driver, don’t be angry, let’s go, let’s go!”

After speaking, she gave Horiyah a fierce look, and then with the help of Wendy, she climbed into the ambulance.

Although Wendy sympathized with her mother, she didn’t dare to speak up at this time, so she could only wink at her mother and let her get in the car before talking.

Horiyah also knew very well that she had no other place to live except the Tomson a06 villa, so she could only swallow her anger and got into the car, and sat in the corner.

After all five members of the family got into the ambulance, the ambulance immediately went to Tomson.

In the car, Noah was lying on the mobile hospital bed, looking at Mrs. Willson, crying and asking: “Mom, what can we do in the future? Our family is now as poor as it is…”

Mrs. Willson wiped her tears, and said in extremely painful and melancholy: “don’t know what to do. Now our family has no money, and your father is injured like this again. Later treatment, medication and rehabilitation. It’s a lot of money, it’s really desperate situation…”

Harold cried and said, “Grandma, if you want to return to Tomson to see if there are valuable things, let’s get them out and sell them! There are still a lot of good things in our villa, just in the wine cellar. It is estimated that you can sell the liquor for a lot of money!”

Mrs. Willson nodded: “There is really no way, it can only be this way!”

Wendy asked at this time: “By the way, grandma, the two people just said that Regnar arranged three helpers for our family. Where are they?”

Mrs. Willson was also at a loss: “Don’t know, he may have arranged but people haven’t arrived yet, right?”

“Hey…” Wendy sighed: “If he could send three helpers over, Regnar would be more or less conscientious. Otherwise, Dad and Brother would be hurt like this, just the three of us. It’s really hard to take care of them.”

“Who wouldn’t say…” Mrs. Willson said with emotion: “I guess Regnar is indeed angry with us in his heart, but he should still have some hope for us, but he is now No matter how angry we are, if we have a chance in the future, we must perform well, and we should be able to win his trust again!”

Wendy nodded and sighed, “Hey, I hope the three helpers he arranged will arrive as soon as possible. It’s best to have already arrived at the Tomson first-grade waiting, otherwise we don’t know how to get Dad and Brother back to the room later. ……”

Chapter 1945

At this moment, in the a06 villa of Tomson.

Gena, Tabia and Lexi have just filled their stomachs.

They waited left and right, but they couldn’t wait for Mrs. Willson’s family to come back, and they were hungry and uncomfortable. They just found out that there were some ingredients in the kitchen that she had prepared but had not had time to cook, so they decided on their own and used those ingredients. Prepared a great meal.

Before Regnar divested, the living standards of the Willson family were still very good. After all, Regnar invested in the Willson Group, which restored the life of the Group, and the Old Lady also resumed her previous life like Lafayette. The level has also been greatly improved.

Moreover, Horiyah deliberately prepared very rich ingredients today, in order to celebrate it after Noah and Harold got Elaine.

Unexpectedly, these ingredients were not eaten by the Willson family, and Gena’s three were all impatient.

The three of them were lying on the sofa watching TV with big and round bellies.

This TV was brought up from the room on the first basem*nt floor after Harold sold the big TV. Compared with the previous one, it is indeed a lot smaller. In the huge living room, it is somewhat different.

While watching TV, Gena smacked her lips and said, “Oh, all the villas are good for Mrs. Willson, but this TV seems to be a bit small. Compared with such a large living room, it looks uncoordinated.”

Lexi asked in surprise: “Mom is coming! This big TV can’t be 50 inches? The TV set in my village chief’s house is not so big, is it small?”

“Yeah…” Tabia also echoed: “I have never watched such a big TV before.”

Gena waved her hand and said, “You don’t understand. The TVs of rich people start at 70 or 80 inches. Last year, when I was working at a housekeeping company in the city, I went to the rich people’s house to clean, and the TV was much bigger than this. ring!”

Lexi said with emotion: “Goodbye! What are you doing with such a big TV? Don’t you be tired if your eyes are running back and forth on such a big TV?”

Gena sneered and said: “Look at your promise. According to you, when people go to the cinema to watch a movie, their eyes will fall to the ground!”

Lexi scratched her head: “I have never been to a movie theater. don’t know what it is like.”

Gena said: “I’ve been there, and I’ve done cleaning in movie theaters. Let me tell you that. The screen in the movie theater is bigger than a wall in this living room. Just think about it!”

Tabia on the side asked, “It’s bigger than this wall, that’s too scary!”

Gena said: “You two have never seen the world. When you turn around, let Mrs. Willson take us to watch a movie in the cinema, then you will know!”

The three were chatting, and the ambulance had been driven into the yard.

But their TV sound was loud, so no one heard the movement outside.

After the ambulance stopped steadily, the driver and the co-pilot jumped out of the car, and roughly removed Noah and Harold from the car.

They did not move down with the mobile beds, but directly moved them down and placed them on the marble floor in the yard.

Mrs. Willson was ready to get in the car and leave as soon as they saw them, and hurriedly said, “Aren’t you going to help us get them in?”

The driver said impatiently: “The customer’s request is to bring you to the place. The entrance fee is not included. If you want us to help, you can pay two hundred per person.”

Mrs. Willson said: “I don’t have a penny!”

The driver frowned and asked, “You live in such a luxurious villa, don’t you have four hundreds?”

Mrs. Willson eagerly said: “Now I don’t need cash at all when I go out, so I haven’t put any money at home. Now our mobile payment and bank cards are all frozen, there is really no way!”

Chapter 1946

The driver waved his hand: “Then we will be helpless.”

Wendy said angrily, “You are paramedics, shouldn’t it be right for you to help the wounded?”

The driver looked at her and said seriously: “Little girl, I want to make it clear to you that we are not doctors, and ours is not a 120 ambulance in a public hospital, but a transfer ambulance operated by a private company, just like a taxi. We drive to make money by driving, and we will work when we are given the money, understand?”

Wendy was speechless.

The man said disdainfully: “Who, who can live in such a good villa, can’t afford four hundreds!”

After speaking, the two got into the car directly and started the car to leave.

Wendy stomped her feet angrily, the Old Lady sighed helplessly, and said to her and Horiyah: “My old bones can’t help. First carry Noah into the house, and then come out to carry Harold. Right.”

Wendy and Horiyah also knew that there was no other way. They could only grit their teeth and used the strength of suckling to put Noah up carefully.

Noah’s body erupted with pain, and said in pain, “You move a little bit slow, it hurts too much…”

Mrs. Willson shook her head and sighed, “Dear son, there is really no other way now, so just bear it!”

After that, she said to Wendy and Horiyah: “You two help Noah, I’ll open the door first!”

Wendy and Horiyah struggled with Noah and moved to the doorstep by step. Mrs. Willson was about to swipe her fingerprints to open the door. Suddenly heard the movement of the TV inside, she asked Wendy in surprise: “Wendy, did you turn off the TV when you left?”

Wendy shook her head: “I was too rushed when I left, I forgot too.”

“Okay.” Mrs. Willson didn’t think much, she opened the door directly.

As soon as the door opened, she saw three people lying on the sofa in the living room inside!

She was so scared that she yelled: “You…who are you?!”

When the three heard the movement, they suddenly turned their heads and found that Mrs. Willson and Wendy were coming, and they recognized these two former inmates at a glance.

Gena was so excited that she rushed over and said excitedly: “Old Lady! You are back! We have been waiting for you for a long time!”

Mrs. Willson saw the three people running over barefoot, and she was shocked to speak.

She naturally recognized Gena and the others, but she couldn’t figure out why these three people came out? And why is it in her own home? !

So, she asked in surprise: “Gena, you guys… why are you here!”

Gena said excitedly: “Old Lady! Are you still pretending to be confused here! Didn’t you give us a bail pending trial and save us?”

“Me?!” Mrs. Willson said with a dazed expression: “This…Is there a misunderstanding?”

“Is there any misunderstanding!” Gena hurriedly said, “Old Lady, I know, you are grateful that we helped you a lot in the detention center and took care of you a lot, so you wanted to repay your favor and let us come and live with you!”

Tabia on the side also echoed: “Yes, Mrs. Willson, you are so nice! You also sent a big run to pick us up. For the first time in my life, I have been on a big run!”

Gena said with a bit of emotion: “Old Lady, let me just say something from my heart. The three of us are very grateful to you! So we all think about it. In the future, the three of us will live here and not leave. Let’s take care of you as our own mother, and give you the end of your retirement life!”

Mrs. Willson suddenly felt deep despair in her heart, and she blurted out anxiously: “Gena, listen to me, there must be some misunderstanding in this, it really wasn’t me who saved you! Besides, I really didn’t want you to come here to live with me!”

Chapter 1947

Mrs. Willson is a typical hiring person forward instead of backward.

When she was in the detention center, she needed Gena to support her, so she was extremely polite to her at that time, and treated her like her own daughter.

But in fact, she doesn’t even look down on a vulgar village woman like Gena.

Therefore, from the day she left the detention center, she had completely forgotten her.

For her, Gena is only a tool that must be used in a special period. After that special period, she never wants to have anything to do with her.

However, she never expected that this Gena would appear in her own home inexplicably!

Gena didn’t expect that the Old Lady would deny what she had done.

In her opinion, it was obviously Mrs. Willson who saved them, arranged for the driver to pick them up to Tomson, and entered the fingerprints on the gate. Why did she deny it at this time?

Thinking of this, Gena asked with a puzzled face: “Old Lady, what’s wrong with you? You did all these good things, so why are you reluctant to admit it?”

“Yeah!” Tabia and Lexi also came over and asked uncomprehendingly: “Old Lady, you obviously did all this. Why are you denying it? Why is that?”

Mrs. Willson was surrounded by the three of them, feeling the stinky smell on their bodies, feeling dizzy, and choking her coughing.

The three of them didn’t pay much attention to personal hygiene, and it was winter now, their clothes were thick, they didn’t pay much attention to hygiene, didn’t take a bath or change their clothes, so that the three of them had a strong body odor.

Now three people surrounded the Old Lady, and the smell was sour and unbearable for her.

While covering her nose, Mrs. Willson said grievously: “Gena, you really misunderstood. I really didn’t do these things…”

Gena smiled, showing her big yellow teeth, and said with a smile: “Oh, Old Lady, I know you have a good heart, and you may not want to say something, but it doesn’t matter, the relationship between our inmates is deep after all! Now! The three of us have also come out. From now on, we will all stay by your side and take care of you!”

Lexi on the side also said: “Yes, Old Lady, when you didn’t come back, the three of us had already arranged a room. Fortunately, your villa is big enough and there are enough rooms. From now on, we will live in three of them. Here, you are the mothers of the three of us!”

“What?!” When Mrs. Willson heard this, she burst into flames and blurted out: “You have arranged the rooms? Who gives you the power?!”

Lexi didn’t expect the Old Lady to suddenly get angry, and hurriedly asked: “What’s the matter, Old Lady, you let us come over and live with you, we must get a share of the room!”

Mrs. Willson trembled angrily, and said: “This is my house, so I won’t be held accountable if you break in without permission, but who gives you the right to divide my bedrooms?! Leave immediately!”

Wendy hurried over at this time and said in a low voice: “Grandma, we are currently short of manpower, so let them help, and let them go when Dad and Brother are better off.”

Mrs. Willson waved her hand and said coldly: “I can’t let them be here without manpower. They are so stinky to live like this. Letting them stay one more minute will be my birthday! Besides, Mr. Regnar will arrange a helper for us. Yes, it must be 10,000 times stronger than these three stinky ladies!”

After that, she looked at Gena and said sharply: “You three, get out of here quickly!”

Gena was stunned!

Chapter 1948

She looked at Mrs. Willson and said in disbelief: “Lady, you will let us get out? This is too much! Don’t forget, we were in the detention center, but the three of us have been taking care of you and helping you. , Even your daughter-in-law Elaine, we helped you teach her a lesson!”

Mrs. Willson asked viciously: “Did I ask you to help me? When did I say and asked you for Elaine to teach her a lesson? It was entirely because you felt that Elaine was insulting that you started beating her!”

Gena was extremely disappointed: “Mrs. Willson, you are really turning your face faster than turning a book! Back in the detention center, when we maintained you so much, I didn’t expect to return to such a result!”

Mrs. Willson said blankly: “I’m really sorry, I let you down, but this is also a lesson for you, telling you to recognize your identity in the future, don’t think about utopian dreams all day!”

Gena gritted her teeth and said, “Oh, Old Lady, are you talking like this? Okay! Then I won’t leave! I think what you can do to me!”

Tabia and Lexi also said repeatedly: “Yes! We won’t leave!”

Mrs. Willson did not expect that the three of them would even want to play rogues, and immediately said coldly: “You three, don’t mess around here with me. You don’t look in the mirror to see yourself. Just like you, your whole body is stinking. Are the soil buns worthy of living in this Tomson first-class villa? If even you can live in such a luxurious villa, it is really not long-sighted!”

With that said, Mrs. Willson said with a arrogant face: “I was in the detention center when the Phoenix fell into the chicken coop and was forced to stay in the chicken coop for two days. You really thought I was with you. Am I that kind of person?”

Tabia yelled, “Mrs. Willson! As the saying goes, a troubled phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken! Don’t go too far, you dead old woman! If you annoy us, even if you are old, we will beat you!”

“Yes!” Lexi also immediately agreed: “How we beat Elaine back then, now we can beat you the same!”

Mrs. Willson curled her lips and said: “You try to hit me. As long as you dare to do it, I will call the police immediately! You will definitely be caught back!”

Gena also clenched her fists, her violent temper made her wish she would rush to punch Mrs. Willson now.

However, before she came out, she thought about the instructions given to her by the prison guards, and she thought to herself: “The prison guards have said that we are all on bail pending trial. Although we have temporarily obtained personal freedom, we must abide by the law, otherwise, Because if we don’t abide by the law and cause trouble, we will most likely be caught again. Not only will we have to make up for the remaining sentence, but it might also even worsen!”

Thinking of this, she had to suppress the anger in her heart, and said coldly: “Old Lady, I can see it too, you are idle and you have nothing to do with us, right? Since you think we can’t climb up to you, then Is it okay to go?”

Mrs. Willson nodded: “It’s best to leave as soon as possible, or I will call the police right away!”

Gena gritted her teeth and said to the two people around her: “Okay, anyway, we have released it in advance. There is no need to go back to this matter, pack up things, let’s go!”

Although the other two were unwilling to do so, they did not dare to make a mistake at this time, for fear of returning to the detention center, so they nodded angrily.

The three of them packed their belongings in anger and loss, and prepared to leave with the blanket.

Mrs. Willson has been supervising them. Seeing that they have packed their things, she fanned her hands in front of her nose and said with disgust on her face: “Oh, it’s so stinking! You guys hurry up and roll as far as possible. If you dare to come again, I will call the police and arrest you as soon as possible!”

Gena felt the great humiliation, but because she was afraid of causing trouble, she could only grit her teeth and endure it, and said to the two people around her: “Let’s go!”

At this moment, seven or eight strong men suddenly pushed in from outside, saw this situation, and asked: “What’s the matter? Where are you three going?”

Gena thought that these fierce and strong men were all found by Mrs. Willson, and immediately said nervously, “Don’t be impulsive, big brothers, we are leaving! we’re leaving!”

The leader said coldly: “Why are you going?! Mr. Regnar said, the three of you will treat this as your own home from now on, this house belongs to him, not to Mrs. Willson. Mrs. Willson is like you. She’s just borrowing to live here, so as long as we, nod our heads, they don’t have the right to drive you away!”

Chapter 1949

Mrs. Willson was confused all at once.

Regnar arranged for Gena and the others? !

What does Regnar mean? !

Did he say that these three helpers arranged for her? !

Just before the Old Lady came back to her senses, Gena heard the brawny man’s words and blurted out excitedly: “Big brother, what you said is true?! Can we really live here?”

The man nodded, “Of course! Hasn’t the driver entered your fingerprints before? You will treat this as your home from now on!”

Mrs. Willson shouted desperately: “Brother! Excuse me, tell Mr. Regnar that we don’t want such a helper! These three people are all peasant women and don’t know a few big characters. What can they do for us? We can’t change to three professional nurses, preferably the one who can wash clothes and cook!”

The man yelled coldly: “Old Lady, I found that although you are old and ugly, but you think well and beautifully! Still bargaining with us? Don’t look at what you count?”

Mrs. Willson was blushing when she was scolded, and she stammered and said: “Then we don’t need help, can’t we? Let the three of them go. Let’s do everything by ourselves. This is alright?”

“That’s not okay! As I said just now, these three people are the same as your family. They will all be residents of this house from now on. They will sit on the same level as you. You have no right to let them go!”

Gena just heard this, looked at Mrs. Willson, sneered and said: “Oh, Mrs. Willson, I think you are really a phoenix! Not long after you came out, you can turn over so quickly, I didn’t expect this big villa is not yours at all. Yeah! What are you pretending here with me? I really thought this was your villa! I didn’t expect you to be the same as the three of us, just renting it out!”

“Yes!” Tabia said contemptuously: “The clamor was so powerful just now, it seems to be really awesome, I didn’t expect it was all pretended!”

Lexi also echoed: “I still think you are really a phoenix. You live in such a good phoenix den. Only now I know that you are a pheasant who borrowed and lived in the phoenix den!”

Mrs. Willson’s expression was very ugly.

This villa is indeed not hers.

It belongs to Regnar.

Regnar allowed them to live in the family so they could live.

If Regnar doesn’t let them live anymore, they will have to get out.

In other words, if Regnar wants Gena and the three of them to live in, then she has no right to obstruct.

Gena exhaled suddenly!

She excitedly said to the two of them: “From now on, we are also residents of this big villa! Some old pheasants pretending to be phoenixes no longer have the right to drive us out!”

“Yes!” The other two were also very excited.

After clarifying the relationship of interest, they were in a good mood.

After all, this not only extinguished the arrogant arrogance of the Old Lady, but also allowed the three of them to live in this large villa reasonably and legally.

At this moment, Gena suddenly remembered something and asked the brawny headed man: “Brother, I want to ask you something!”

The man said: “You say!”

Chapter 1950

Gena said: “We looked at the rooms in this villa before and found that those big and good rooms were occupied by the Willson family. All we could find were corner rooms. Since the three of us were with them Family rights are equal, so can we ask for reallocation of rooms?”

“Yes!” Lexi also recovered, and said excitedly: “I want to live in a big bedroom facing south too!”

The man naturally didn’t think it was too big to watch the excitement, and said with a smile, “Of course, we don’t care how you distribute it internally.”

“That’s great!” Gena said immediately: “I booked the big bedroom on the third floor! Who owns the bedroom? Move out quickly, otherwise, don’t blame me for throwing everything out!”

Mrs. Willson said angrily: “Dare you! The big bedroom on the third floor is my room! No one can grab it!”

Gena sneered and said, “You bad Old Lady, hurry up and get away! I just gave you a face. The three of us have come to you sincerely and really want to treat you as a mother! But Unexpectedly, your old thing is so unfeeling! Now that Mr. Regnar has spoken, then let’s speak with strength. I want the room on the third floor. If you dare to grab it, you can weigh yourself whether you have that ability!”

Mrs. Willson was suddenly desperate!

Not only despair, but also deep regret!

She only understood now that these three people turned out to be the helpers Regnar arranged for her!

If she knew this was the case, she shouldn’t have yelled at them just now and had to drive them out…

Originally, although the three of them couldn’t make it to the stage, they had enough respect for her, and she also had the strength to direct them to do anything.

But it’s better now!

She actually offended the three of them to death!

And these three people were not driven out in the end…

Gena wants to grab her room…

Isn’t this shooting yourself in the foot? !

Thinking of this, Mrs. Willson felt so uncomfortable…

She could only lick her face and said to Gena: “Oh, Gena! It was a misunderstanding just now, don’t you be familiar with me! I am old, confused, and can’t live for a few years. Sometimes my brain is not enough. Said something that doesn’t sound very nice, don’t take it to your heart! I always treat you like a daughter!”

Gena said with a disgusted face: “Now it’s close to me? I’ll go to your mother! What the h*ll are you doing? I see through your old stuff this time! The show sings “Something is wrong with you,” No matter what’, it’s a dog thing like you! Everyone will live under the same roof in the future. You’d better not provoke me, otherwise, I will let you die in minutes!”

When Mrs. Willson heard this, she shuddered in shock, and blurted out: “You…are you not afraid to go in again?”

At this time, the brawny man immediately added: “Don’t worry, Mr. Regnar still has a lot of face, and this little thing is definitely done!”

When Gena heard this, she immediately felt as if she had been given a cardiotonic injection, and sneered: “Then I’m sorry, Mrs. Willson, from now on, the big room on the third floor belongs to me!”

Mrs. Willson almost collapsed. The large bedroom on the third floor was the best bedroom in the entire villa. When she first moved in, she fell in love with that room, and it was extremely comfortable to live in, absolutely unmatched by other rooms.

Moreover, the Old Lady is eager to enjoy her life. She intends to live in such a good bedroom. Now seeing that Gena will snatch it away, she is naturally anxious. She cried and said, “Gena! You see how old I am. Yes, maybe I will die one day, so you can let me die in that better room, and I can have a good fate in my next life!”

Gena stepped forward and slapped Mrs. Willson, and shouted coldly: “You’re so f*cking f@rting here! Mom drank pesticides, and the hospital said it was useless, so we took her back home. She died in the end. In the dilapidated brick house in my hometown, according to what you said, won’t Mom have a good fate in her next life?!”

Chapter 1951

Mrs. Willson was dizzy as slapped by Gena.

She really did not expect that she had said so many insults to Gena before that Gena did not do anything to her.

Unexpectedly, when sshe showed her weakness she accidentally touched her inverse scale.

Although Gena has no culture, she is indeed a filial daughter.

At first, her mother was forced to commit suicide by taking medicine. After hearing the news, she rushed back from her husband’s house.

At that time, her mother was very sick and hopeless.

In the hospital, Gena’s mother told her very weakly that she wanted to go home, saying that she was uncomfortable in the hospital.

Gena knew that she knew that she was going to die. When she was dying, all she wanted to do was to save some money for her family, and didn’t want to stay in the hospital for fearless treatment.

She wanted to take her mother back to her in-law’s house, be good for a few days, and let her walk through the last part of life.

But her mother-in-law strongly opposed it, especially her mother-in-law, who yelled at her on the phone, saying that if she dared to pick her mother back, she would not even enter the house herself.

The younger brother who is afraid of his wife is unwilling to let her mother go back because it is unlucky for her to die in her own home.

In the end, Gena could only take her mother back to her old house that had been abandoned for many years.

In the old house, Gena tried her best to wipe her mother’s body with warm water, put on clean clothes, and made her a bowl of noodles with eggs.

After the mother ate the bowl of noodles, she held her hand and said to her contentedly, “Good girl, mom will sleep for a while”, and then she never woke up.

That day, Gena cried all the tears.

After her mother entered the soil, Gena beat her younger sister-in-law and was sent to the detention center.

It was also because of her filial piety that when she heard that Elaine was very unfilial to Mrs. Willson, she felt sympathy for Mrs. Willson and hated Elaine at the same time.

Generally speaking, this is a vulgar, sloppy, and uneducated peasant woman who has always respected her deceased mother and awe of human nature.

Although her temper is aggressive, she is not a bad person.

She could tolerate the insults Mrs. Willson had put on her, but she couldn’t tolerate even a slight offense to her mother.

Mrs. Willson only said that by dying in a better room, she can guarantee a good fate in her next life. It reminded her of her mother who had died in a dilapidated building.

She always felt that her mother was loyal and kind-hearted, though poor and down for her life.

However, her fate is so awkward, she has never enjoyed a blessing in her life, and finally was driven to ruin by her daughter-in-law.

She also felt that such a mother, even if she died in the worst room in the world, God has eyes, she would have a good fate and enjoy a lifetime of happiness in her next life.

And what Mrs. Willson said just now, inadvertently, not only denied her consistent firm belief in her heart, but also blasphemed her mother’s holy and great image in her mind.

Therefore, she couldn’t bear it and slapped Mrs. Willson.

At this time, Mrs. Willson, covering her face, looked at Gena resentfully.

Chapter 1952

Although she was very annoyed in her heart, but at this time, given her ten thousand courage, she did not dare to do anything with Gena.

Regnar’s subordinates said in a cold voice at this time: “We are here this time. It is Mr. Regnar’s order to empty the assets in this villa. Mr. Regnar means that in the future, except for the hard-decorated parts, as well as the bed, Except for the large pieces of furniture such as the sofa, all other household appliances, all valuable furnishings, and the good wine stored in the basem*nt must all be emptied, leaving nothing!”

When Mrs. Willson heard this, she suddenly felt desperate.

At first, she was worried that she had no money. She could sell the household appliances in the villa, especially the wine in the warehouse in the basem*nt, which could sell for at least one million, but she didn’t expect that such a rich person as Regnar could even do this. She was worried about this in her heart, and before she was ready to make a move, his people had already found it!

Mrs. Willson said bitterly: “You can move away from the little brothers, home appliances and so on, but please keep the wine for us. After all, we like to drink a few drinks occasionally…”

The leader sneered and said: “You’re fcking almost out of food, and still thinking about fcking drinking? With that energy, you should study how to make money and make a living!”

After finishing speaking, he immediately said to a few people around him: “Start moving! Don’t leave any valuables!”

“OK, boss!”

Several subordinates immediately agreed, and then began to search the villa for a while.

They even carried a flatbed cart specially used for moving house, put all the valuables in the cart, and pulled out all the bits.

Mrs. Willson didn’t dare to make any trouble, she could only watch them constantly move the things in the villa, not only moved all the wine out, even the TV on the wall was also taken down.

What’s more, the kitchen utensils, pots and other items in the kitchen were all taken away by them.

Mrs. Willson choked and said: “Brothers, please keep the cooking pots and pans for us…”

The man said coldly: “These are all kitchen utensils imported from Germany. One pot costs tens of thousands. Keep them for you. You will sell them all in two days!”

Mrs. Willson cried and said, “No matter what I sell, I can’t sell the pot…”

The man said disdainfully: “We don’t care about this. If you want to cook, you can find a way to buy another pot!”

After that, he checked in each room again to make sure that there were no valuables left. Then he said to his men: “You first put everything in the car!”

Several subordinates went out one after another, and the person said to Gena again: “You will live here steadily in the future. Mr. Regnar has only one requirement of you, that is, you must not go to the house of Ms. Elaine next door to find any trouble with their family. Otherwise, we will never be merciful!”

As soon as Gena heard this, she nodded quickly and said: “Don’t worry, I will never trouble Elaine! The trouble with Elaine before was all because of Mrs. Willson, an ungrateful Old Lady, so I will definitely not do it again in the future. Not anymore!”

The man was satisfied and said: “Okay, don’t you want the bedroom on the third floor? Go and take it quickly, let’s go first.”

Gena said excitedly: “Okay! I see! You go slowly!”

After the group of people left, Mrs. Willson sat on the ground and cried: “Oh my life, why is it so bitter…”

Wendy also cried out and said, “Grandma, Regnar is too much. He clearly wants to play with us…”

Horiyah said at this time: “People, Mr. Regnar, may not really want to play with us. Originally, he wanted to arrange a few helpers for our family. Unexpectedly, your grandma would offend them to death when she came up. Now there are no other helpers. Now, there are three more enemies…”

Mrs. Willson asked furiously: “Horiyah, you sl*t who doesn’t obey women’s way, dare to point fingers at me!”

Horiyah had been fed up with the Old Lady’s arrogance for a long time. Seeing that the Old Lady was angry with her, she immediately became angry and cursed: “You dead Old Lady, don’t deceive too much! Do you really think you are still Mrs. Willson?! You are now very poor and utterly impoverished, and you’re fcking here with me, what the hll I owe to the Willson family?!”

Chapter 1953

Mrs. Willson did not expect that Horiyah, who had always been crushed by herself, would dare to challenge herself!

At this moment, she felt furious in her heart, but she didn’t dare to say anything when she thought that she had no support at the moment and was like a frustrated ball.

If I had treated Gena better at first, then the three of them would now be their own loyal licking dogs, and Horiyah would naturally not dare to make any mistakes.

It’s a pity that she has already made enemies with Gena and the others. If she offends Horiyah at this time, she really can’t find half a helper.

So she could only say angrily: “I don’t want to quarrel with you, let’s take Noah back to the room, and then move Harold in!”

Noah was almost crying, and choked up: “Mom, you still remember me, I can’t hold it anymore…”

Mrs. Willson hurriedly said, “Wendy, Horiyah, please take Noah back to the room and let him rest.”

The two struggled to lift Noah to the elevator. Wendy couldn’t help but said to Gena: “Can’t you three come over and help? Just watch it like this?”

Gena said blankly: “When the three of us came here, we really wanted to be a cow and a horse for your family, but your grandma was unwilling. Now, the three of us are in a co-tenant relationship with you, and it’s love to help you. It’s not our duty to help you!”

Wendy said angrily, “Can’t you reach out and help?”

Gena shook her head: “Sorry, the love is gone!”

After speaking, she said to Mrs. Willson again: “The biggest room on the third floor will be mine from now on!”

Mrs. Willson stood there with tears in her eyes, but she dared not speak.

After all, it was all her own fault, and she could only break her teeth and swallow in her stomach.

Otherwise, Gena will certainly not give a chance.

After Gena warned Mrs. Willson, she took Tabia and Lexi to the third floor.

The three generations of women in the Willson family had to work hard to move both Noah and Harold to the second floor.

In order to take care of the father and son, Wendy and Horiyah both moved them to Master bedroom on the second floor and let them sleep on the same bed.

The original personal belongings of Mrs. Willson had already been thrown outside the door on the third floor by Gena.

The Old Lady also wanted to find a separate room on the third floor, but she did not expect that the other rooms on the third floor would be occupied by two other women.

In desperation, the Willson family can only draw a line with the three of them. Gena and the others live on the third floor, Noah and Harold live in Master bedroom on the second floor, and Wendy and Horiyah live in one of the second bedrooms on the second floor. The other second bedroom was given to Mrs. Willson.

After the busy work, the family of five was exhausted and hungry.

Mrs. Willson wanted to eat a meal, so she directed Horiyah to say: “Hurry up and make something to eat, I’m almost starving to death!”

Horiyah choked and said: “Be a bullsh*t, do it, let Gena and the three of them eat the ingredients prepared before, and now the pots and pans have been taken away by Regnar’s people, and there is only half a bag of rice at home. , Even the rice cooker is gone, what do I use to cook?”

Mrs. Willson asked desperately: “Is there nothing to eat in the refrigerator? It’s better to eat a few sticks of ham rather than going hungry!”

Horiyah said annoyedly: “Old Lady is demented? Even the refrigerator is dragged away. Where can I get you the ham sausage? How about you give me the money and I go out to buy it for you?”

Only then did Mrs. Willson remember that Regnar’s people had already moved the refrigerator out.

In other words, in this villa now she cannot even find a bite…

Harold was aggrieved at this time and cried, “Mom…I…I’m so hungry…I haven’t eaten a bite since I went out… ..”

Chapter 1954

Horiyah couldn’t help crying when she saw her son’s miserable appearance, and choked up, “Harold, mom is really helpless. There is no bite to eat at home, and the money I can find has been taken away by Regnar’s people. What do you want me to get you to eat…”

Wendy cried and said, “Mom, or I will find a job tomorrow!”

Horiyah nodded and said: “It’s okay to find a job, but you have to find a job tomorrow. For the salary, we will have to wait for the next month. This is looking at the New Year. Our family should not be hungry for the New Year.. ….”

Mrs. Willson said at this time: “It’s really impossible, just go find a part-time job! Find a job that pays daily!”

Wendy said: “It can only be like this…”

At the same time, Gena on the third floor was also holding a meeting with Tabia and Lexi.

The situation faced by the three of them is the same as that of the Willson family, except that they have no money.

Therefore, Gena said to the two of them: “It is a blessing that we can live in this big villa now. As for the meal, I think we have to figure out a solution by ourselves.”

Lexi hurriedly said: “Sister Gena, what do you think we should do? The Chinese New Year is only two days away, so we have to prepare a little bit. Not to mention the big fish and the meat, at least make dumplings for dinner, right?”

Gena said: “This is actually simple. I know a few cleaning companies that specialize in cleaning homes. There we can make about 20 an hour. The three of us work together for eight hours a day, and one person has one hundred. Sixth, this adds up to 500, and now that the year has come, the service industry costs have risen. Going to the bathhouse and rubbing the back can also make a lot of money. As long as the three of us work hard, we will definitely make money. Enough for our lives.”

Tabia said immediately: “No problem, although I haven’t studied much, I still have strength in both arms!”

Lexi also nodded again and again: “Then we two will listen to sister Gena’s arrangement!”

Gena gave a hum and said, “Go to bed early tonight, and we will go out to find work tomorrow morning!”


The villa a05 next door is another scene.

Although Elaine had a cast on her leg, she was in a pretty good mood.

The young couple Charlie and Claire had dinner together. Elaine stretched her legs out of the dining table diagonally in a plaster cast, while eating and visiting Taobao with her mobile phone, her expression was very relaxed.

Seeing this, Jacob couldn’t help but mock her: “I say Elaine, you are really such heartless. You just broke your leg for a short time. Not only do you don’t swear or curse the street, but you are like an okay person. Here comes Taobao! This is not your character!”

Elaine glared at him, and said contemptuously: “What do you know? I am different now. I have learned how to counsel myself!”

Charlie was very curious and asked: “Mom, can you tell me, how do you do psychological counseling?”

Elaine waved her hand: “Hurt! Isn’t it easy? You think my good son-in-law, if I sit here and think about my leg, then I must be more uncomfortable the more I think about it, and the more uncomfortable the more I think about it. If I’m so angry that this leg won’t return to nature, don’t you think?”

Charlie nodded: “This is indeed the truth.”

Elaine chuckled and said, “So, I don’t think about it that way, and I don’t think about my legs, I just miss that Roxa!”

Charlie was dumb for a while, Roxa? Isn’t that his aunt Cynthia?

Elaine said triumphantly at this time: “I just thought in my heart, I am really fateful this time! The fraudster Roxa deliberately retaliated, not only didn’t she die, she even got f*cked!”

“Not only did she do a fight, she swelled her nose and face. How awesome is this?”

Speaking of this, Elaine refreshed and continued: “Now, Roxa has also been arrested, and I don’t have to worry about anyone retaliating against me in the future. Can you say I can be upset?”

Claire asked in surprise: “Mom, who is Roxa? Is it a member of MLM organization?”

Elaine realized that she had missed her mouth and nodded hurriedly: “Yes, that’s right, Roxa is the boss of that MLM organization! Heinous b@stard!”

Chapter 1955

Charlie marveled at Elaine’s spiritual victory method, and at the same time, he was relieved for the successful resolution of this matter.

What he was most worried about before was that Cynthia exposed his identity. After all, his aunt’s acting style was extremely arrogant. Maybe the moment his brain heated up, she revealed the identity of the Wade family.

Fortunately, Cynthia chose the wrong way as soon as she came up. She directly wrote Elaine a 100 million cheque, and asked her to classify her as a liar as soon as she came up.

The two words Citibank even stung Elaine’s deepest pain in his heart, so that Elaine directly responded to Cynthia’s purchase by force.

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn’t help but feel funny.

His aunt, who has been living in Eastcliff for so many years, is always a respectable object wherever she goes, but she must have never imagined that her heroism would be broken in Aurous Hill.

Moreover, it was at Elaine’s hands.

Want to come, this time will definitely teach her a lesson.

Charlie was thinking. The phone suddenly received a WeChat message. When he saw it, it turned out to be a video from Orvel. The thumbnail of the video showed that it was a dilapidated small room, and his aunt Cynthia was standing before the camera with a bitter face.

He knew that Orvel should have settled her, so he immediately got up, went to the bathroom, and clicked on the video.

The video began to play, and Orvel’s voice came: “Master, take a look, this is the room prepared for Miss Cynthia! It’s in the shantytown of the village in the city!”

In the video, it is a small room of less than 20 square meters. The room is very shabby. Apart from a bed, a simple wardrobe, a desk and a chair, there is almost nothing else.

Although this kind of self-built house is in poor condition, it has the advantage that the landlord has made a separate bathroom for each room, so that at least there is no need to queue for public toilets.

However, this toilet looks very ordinary, small and broken, and very dark.

As for the toilet, it is definitely not available. The landlord provided it with a very cheap squat toilet.

Cynthia stood in the middle of the room with a depressed face, and said angrily: “You show Charlie, how can I live in this shabby place!”

While filming the video, Mr. Orvel said coldly: “Why can’t you live? Master had lived on construction sites for several years. The conditions are much worse than this. If Master can live, why can’t you?”

Cynthia was furious: “Don’t compare me to him! I have lived for more than 40 years, and I have never experienced a hard day!”

Orvel sneered and said: “Congratulations, from now on, your seven-day dream tour is about to begin. Haven’t you had a hard time ever? The next seven days, let you live it all at once!”

After that, Orvel said again: “Master, look at this environment, are you satisfied? If you think the conditions are still a bit superior, then I will find a worse one!”

Seeing this, Charlie couldn’t help laughing.

Although he is not very old, he knows human nature better than most people after so many years of playing outside and encountering so many people of all kinds.

Therefore, he most likes to punish the wicked from the root of human nature.

For example, Youngzheng of Wei’s Pharmaceuticals, who always looked down upon Liang’s mother who was born under the Changbai Mountains, disappointed others, and delayed others for a lifetime. What’s more hateful is that if they delay others, it’s fine. They have all passed away. In rants, such a person is completely bad from the root of human nature.

That being the case, letting him settle down under the Changbai Mountain for a lifetime is the best punishment for him.

It is also his best way of atonement.

Chapter 1956

This Aunt, Cynthia.

Born in the mansion of Eastcliff has grown up since she was a child and has enjoyed the glory and wealth all her life, always being arrogant, defiant, and arrogant.

That being the case, the best way to punish her is to let her live a hard life and severely frustrate her spirit!

Therefore, Charlie sent a voice to Orvel: “Mr. Orvel, I think this environment is good, but you must make your people guard against it 24 hours a day, and never allow her to buy any goods online, nor allow her order any takeaway!”

“If she buys something, or orders takeaway, your people will stop it directly and absolutely can’t give it to her!”

“As for her daily food, just let your people see the mood and buy her something from a small restaurant outside, but remember that the standard for a single day’s food must never exceed fifty!”

At this moment, the shantytown of the village in the city.

Orvel used the phone speaker to play the voice that Charlie had just sent.

Cynthia’s face suddenly became even more ugly after hearing it!

She angrily said: “This is too much! Don’t let me shop online, let me not order takeaway?!”

Mr. Orvel sneered: “I just won’t let you order, what’s the matter?”

Cynthia said angrily: “I want to call Charlie!”

Orvel smiled and said: “Based on what I know about Master, if you make a call, the daily food standard will definitely not increase but decrease! You will definitely regret the call by then!”

Cynthia gritted her teeth and said, “You’re f*cking here to bluff me!”

After speaking, she immediately took out his mobile phone and called Charlie.

Charlie answered the phone, and Cynthia blurted out immediately: “Charlie! You are too much, right?! You let me stay in Aurous Hill for a long time and live in this kind of pig nest-like environment, and I will bear it! But why are you restricting my online shopping and ordering takeout?”

“Also! What good food can I eat for a food standard of fifty a day? What if I am malnourished during this period? What if I eat waste oil and cause heavy metal poisoning?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Auntie, is Mr. Orvel by your side? You turn on the speakerphone and I will tell him.”

Cynthia immediately turned on the speaker, and Charlie said: “Mr. Orvel, can you hear me?”

Orvel’s voice soon came: “Master, I am here. Just give your orders!”

Charlie gave a hum and said, “Auntie, my temper is still too strong!”

Having said that, he sighed and said, “Let’s do it, reduce her daily food standard from fifty to thirty. If she is still not satisfied, reduce it to twenty or ten. It’s really not good, one day. Five is also fine, two for steamed buns, one for pickled mustard, and the remaining two for some other tooth-fighting sacrifices!”

Orvel laughed out immediately: “OK, Master, I see!”

Cynthia suddenly collapsed, crying and said, “Charlie, what do you mean?! If you don’t want to add a little bit to me, just forget it, why you deduct 20?!”

Charlie said, “Auntie, it is all for your own good. Let you work hard, so that you can gain a little more experience and lessons after returning to society. But I think you are really insincere. The ancients said , The sky will descend to the people of Sri Lanka, you must first suffer from your mind, your muscles, and your body. Since you are not sincere and so stubborn, then I will increase my efforts to make you a better one soon. One of the pure people!”

Chapter 1957

Cynthia really didn’t expect that what Orvel said before turned out to be true.

She wanted to find Charlie’s preferential treatment conditions, but she didn’t expect that not only did Charlie ignore her, but also directly lowered her daily food standard from fifty to thirty.

At this moment, she experienced the same pain as Mrs. Willson at this time.

I knew it would be such a result, so why bother to pretend to be this?

Orvel glanced at Cynthia, who was crying, and sneered, “What am I talking about? I said Master will definitely lower your food standards. You just don’t believe it. Have you taken it now?”

Cynthia was black and did not speak.

She dared not speak anymore.

Because she knew that she said so many mistakes, maybe she said a few more words, every day she really has to eat steamed buns and pickles.

Seeing that she didn’t dare to do it again, Orvel smiled and said, “Ms. Wade is here to enjoy the good time for seven days. There is nothing wrong, I will leave first.”

Cynthia glared at Orvel fiercely. Seeing Orvel leaving the room, she couldn’t help but burst into tears.

She immediately took out her cell phone and sent a video call to Zhongquan, Master who was far away in Eastcliff.

As soon as the video went through, Cynthia cried and said, “Dad! Charlie, this b@stard humiliated me in every possible way! Look at what he did to me!”

With that, she switched cameras and took pictures of the situation in the room.

Zhongquan didn’t expect that Charlie would be so cruel to his own aunt. He directly arranged such a difficult environment for her, and he was somewhat dissatisfied in his heart.

He sighed: “Charlie is indeed a bit overdone. Anyway, you are also his aunt…”

As he said, Zhongquan sighed again and said seriously: “However, Charlie is of great use to the Wade family now, and nothing else, as long as he returns to the Wade family and marries the Gu family’s daughter, the Wade family’s strength is immediately It can go up a lot! If he can handle the Su family girl, it will be even more perfect…”

Hearing her father’s sigh, Cynthia suddenly thought of what Charlie had said to her on the helicopter.

He said that the eight heavenly kings of the Wu family died in his hands;

He said that Philip was dyingly ill, but was reborn because of him;

He even said that a series of earth-shattering events that happened to the three major families in Japan some time ago were all personally done by him…

In this way, Charlie’s strength is likely to far exceed everyone’s cognition…

Thinking of this, Cynthia twitched in his heart, and murmured: “These things must never be let his father know! Otherwise, he will pay more attention to Charlie b@stard! I, Cynthia, can’t let him return to the Wade family by saying anything. ! Otherwise, once this kid returns to the Wade Family, there will be no place for me to stand in the Wade Family!”

So Cynthia immediately said: “Dad, let me tell you the truth, Charlie is a cold-blooded stupid without affection! You think he is of the Wade family’s blood, and you want him to return to the Wade family, but he doesn’t leave his body at all. The family’s blood is in the eyes. He can treat me like this aunt. If we return to the Wade family, let’s make him a little bit dissatisfied, then he wants to bring the whole Wade family into trouble?”

Zhongquan became silent all of a sudden.

Cynthia’s words also made him a little alert.

Everyone hopes that their subordinates can have a viable general, but the first thing to consider is a very realistic issue, which is whether they can suppress the opponent.

Chapter 1958

What Charlie did today, in Zhongquan’s view, was indeed a bit too much.

Even if Cynthia went to his mother-in-law without authorization, she had the fault first, as Cynthia’s nephew, he shouldn’t do this to his aunt.

He even forced his aunt to live in Aurous Hill’s dilapidated Village for a long time.

It can be seen that the Wade Family wants to tame Charlie, let Charlie re-identify his ancestors and return to the clan, and use it for the Wade Family. It is definitely not as easy as imagined.

Therefore, this matter must not be rushed, otherwise, it may be counterproductive.

After Zhongquan wanted to understand this, he opened his mouth and said: “Cynthia, after all, this matter is your fault first, so even if Charlie is indeed a bit too much, but you don’t need to completely turn your face with Charlie. Let’s be aggrieved. We will discuss this matter in the future.”

Cynthia secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said: “I know Dad, I can’t accompany you during this time, especially during the New Year, I can’t pay you a New Year…”

Zhongquan smiled slightly: “These are all trivial things, don’t worry, dad is waiting for you to come back.”

“Okay!” Cynthia nodded to the video camera while wiping tears.

At this time, in Zhongquan’s picture, the eldest son, Andrew, stepped in and said a little anxiously: “Dad, I have a news.”

Zhongquan frowned: “What news?”

Andrew said: “I heard that the Su family is buying all kinds of masters across Asia, and the price is very high. An ordinary martial arts master will be given tens of millions. Calculated in 100 million a year, it is estimated that the cost of investing in this alone will be over 10 billion. Many top players who have retired from the arena are planning to return to the arena!”

Zhongquan asked in surprise: “Why are you making such a big move?”

Andrew said: “Maybe it is to quickly make up for the loss of combat power in Japan. I heard that dozens of masters in the Su family have been sued by the Japanese prosecutors. No one of these masters wants to escape from prison.”

Zhongquan nodded, he knew very well how important combat power is to the top family.

Take what happened to the Su family in Japan this time. If it weren’t for their own large reserves of masters, it would be impossible to send nearly a hundred martial arts masters to Japan overnight.

What’s more advantageous is that when this master arrives in Japan, he can directly destroy the Matsumoto family with the attitude of a strong dragon slashing the ground with a snake.

These masters, without guns, ammo, and bare hands, can burst out powerful combat effectiveness.

As long as you have a passport and visa, you can enter and leave any country at any time and maintain combat effectiveness at all times.

Such a person is the most important support for a large family to fight overseas.

The combat effectiveness of guns is certainly strong, but no family can transport people with guns from one country to another.

Therefore, assassins who use guns have severely limited combat effectiveness. Once they need to go overseas to perform missions without guns, they will almost lose their usefulness.

And the martial arts masters raised by top big families? Even in the country with the strictest gun control in the world, they can still guarantee combat effectiveness. This is the important point of masters.

Andrew said to Zhongquan again at this time: “I heard that Zhiyu, the eldest lady of the Su family, has been investigating a mysterious person across the country since she returned from Japan. The Su family even secretly offered a one billion price tag. To find information about this person.”

“Oh?” Zhongquan asked in amazement: “What is this person’s background? Is it the enemy of the Su family?”

“No.” Andrew said: “I heard that it seems to be Zhiyu and Zhifei’s lifesaver!”

Chapter 1959

“Zhifei’s savior?!”

Hearing these words, the Old Master Wade suddenly asked in surprise: “Is that the mysterious person I mentioned at the beginning?”

“Yes!” Andrew nodded, “There was a rumor back then that Zhiyu and her brother were saved by a mysterious man when they were in Japan.”

Elder Wade asked again: “The mysterious man saved their siblings in Japan, and Zhiyu and the Su family are looking for clues to him in China. Is this mysterious man a native of China?!”

Andrew said: “It looks like this! Otherwise, there is no need for the Su family to find a mysterious person in China who has appeared in Japan. Isn’t that a boat for a sword?”

Elder Wade suddenly became excited!

He said excitedly: “No matter who the mysterious person is, at least one thing is certain. The strength of that mysterious person is absolutely so powerful that we can’t understand it, or even incredible!”

“Yes!” Andrew also sighed: “He can kill multiple Iga Ninjas and rescue Zhiyu and Zhifei with his own power. This person’s strength is absolutely against the sky!”

Elder Wade blurted out: “If such a talent can be used by the Wade Family, what fear will the Wade Family have in the future!”

After that, he immediately said to Andrew: “Andrew, you quickly order, closely monitor the progress of the Su family, and do everything possible to find this mysterious person before the Su family. If you can’t get ahead, then At least you have to do your best to draw that mysterious person to our Wade family!”

Andrew nodded: “I know Dad!”

At this time, Cynthia, who had been silent in the video, had a very strange expression.

She suddenly remembered what Charlie had said to her before. Could it be that the mysterious person the Su family was looking for was him? !

Thinking of this, she felt a chill in her back!

If Charlie is really that mysterious person, then she can’t let him return to Wade’s house!

Originally from the Wade family’s blood, and there was a marriage contract with Gu’s family, these two trump cards were enough for Charlie to exchange for a very high status in the Wade family.

If he had the identity of this mysterious master again, he would be invincible. At that time, she would be driven out of the Wade Family!

Just when Cynthia was thinking about it, Zhongquan gave Andrew instructions, and when he looked at the phone, he found that Cynthia had a strange expression, and asked in surprise: “Cynthia, what’s wrong with you?”

Cynthia hurriedly said, “Ah, Dad, I’m fine, I was thinking about something just now.”

Zhongquan nodded and sighed: “After you come back, you can rest early, and stay in Aurous Hill for a few days. When you come back, Dad will pick you”

Cynthia hurriedly said, “Thank you Dad, I see!”

After hanging up the video, Cynthia couldn’t help being afraid for a while.

At this moment, she really regretted it.

I shouldn’t have come to Aurous Hill to take a trip to this muddy water. Before I came, I never thought that Charlie would be such a hard bone to chew, and I didn’t expect that my nephew seemed to be a highly hidden top master!

If I had known this before, if I killed myself, I would never come.

Before Cynthia came, she didn’t regard Charlie as an enemy. She just felt that he was just an heir left behind by the Wade Family. Letting him go home would be a gift to him.

Moreover, after such people go back, they can only serve as the flag of the family, and they cannot pose any threat to people in the family.

But after coming to Aurous Hill, she really realized that the bones of her nephew, who hadn’t seen each other in more than ten years, were as hard as her second brother.

At this time, Cynthia slandered in her heart: “If Charlie is just like the second brother, it’s okay to say. What’s more terrifying is that the second brother was a scholar who had hard bones, but his fists were not hard.”

“And what about Charlie?”

“Not only the bones are harder, but the fists are harder!”

Chapter 1960

“It seems that in the future, I will stay away from him as much as possible! Try not to let him have the opportunity to return to the Wade family!”


At this moment.

Eastcliff, Su’s family.

Zhiyu sat in front of the computer in the study, looking at the information gathered from all over the country.

Since returning from Japan, whether Zhiyu opened her eyes or closed her eyes, Charlie was all in her mind.

She has trouble sleeping and eating all day because of Charlie.

However, she didn’t tell anyone else what she was thinking, even her brother or her mother.

What she originally wanted was to use her energy to find the mysterious person who saved her, and then thank him in person.

However, she tried for several days without finding any valuable clues.

Immediately afterward, in order to quickly replenish the missing strength of the Su family, Grandpa Chengfeng decided to search for a new group of masters at all costs.

Zhiyu immediately recommended the mysterious person to her grandfather. In her words at the time, if the Su family could find this mysterious person, this person would definitely be able to use one man against one hundred enemies, which would increase the Su family’s strike power geometrically!

Chengfeng was naturally overjoyed and immediately instructed Zhiyu to find the mysterious man at all costs.

However, there is no way to find out the information of that mysterious person.

The Su family’s informants have inquired from various sources in China and Japan, and no one has ever heard of such a powerful expert.

There is a huge roster among the martial arts masters.

Basically, there are top masters who have learned from, have a background, and are well-known.

However, Charlie is not a person in martial arts, so he is not known to them at all.

In this way, it will be more difficult for the martial artist to figure out his relevant information.

What’s more, there are almost none in the martial arts masters at this stage that fit the kind of strength Zhiyu described.

Domestic martial arts masters are not weaker than Japanese ninjas, and some people are even stronger than ninjas, but there is really no one who can face just a few ninjas and can completely wipe out the enemy himself unharmed.

Zhiyu’s bitter search has no results, so she wants to find all the entry and exit records of the most recent period from the Japanese customs, and then make a selection based on nationality and approximate age group.

However, since the Su family committed the killing of the door in Japan, the Japanese Homeland Security Department has imposed a lot of stricter customs control over it.

In the past, the Su family could easily obtain the entry and exit records of the whole of Japan, but now, they can’t get the least information even after racking their brains.

Zhiyu also wondered whether the mysterious master was of Chinese descent who settled in Japan. In that case, he might not be found in the immigration information.

However, Zhiyu was unwilling to stand still, so she decided to start with better-operated domestic ones.

While searching for clues about mysterious people in China, she is also doing everything possible to break through the layers of supervision in Japan, and strive to obtain Japan’s entry and exit records and even immigration records as soon as possible.

However, Japan’s data blockade is a bit strict, and it will be difficult to break through for a while.

When she was at a loss, a female friend who had a close relationship in Japan called her and said to her: “Zhiyu, I can’t get the entry and exit information and immigration records from Japan for the time being, but I found you a curvilinear way. Whether this method is feasible depends on whether you have patience!”

Zhiyu blurted out, “You can tell me what the answer is, I have patience! Even if it is a needle in a haystack, I will find him!”

The other party smiled and said, “That’s right. Although Japan’s homeland security department has blocked customs records, it has not blocked the video surveillance of the airport. In addition to uploading it to the customs, I have also kept a copy of all the video surveillance of the airport. There is a way to get you a copy. If you have the patience to look for it bit by bit from countless surveillance videos in several airports, you may be able to find the clues of your lifesaver!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 1941-1960 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.