The charismatic Charles Wade Ch.1841-1860 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 1841

After leaving Tiffany, Nanako accompanied Charlie again, walking around the major shops in Ginza.

In order to show less favoritism, Charlie bought a high-end boss suit for his old man Jacob.

Jacob now mixes with the Calligraphy and Painting Association every day, and has become the No. 2 figure in the entire Calligraphy and Painting Association. It can be said that he has a lot of face.

What’s more, the calligraphy and painting association he is currently in and Meiqing’s senior college often have contacts and exchanges, so Charlie buys a suit for the Old Master, and also wants to help the Old Master to dress up and make him more energetic and more appealing.

In addition, Charlie bought some other small accessories and small objects piecemeal.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, there are about two hours before Charlie’s flight to Osaka takes off. Considering that Tokyo Airport is far from the city, Charlie said to Nanako, “Nanako, the time is almost here. I have to go. It’s time to go to the airport.”

Nanako said without hesitation: “Master, I’ll take you there!”

Charlie said: “I have to drive over and leave the car at the airport. If you follow me, what will you do how you will come back?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Nanako blurted out: “I can ask someone to drive to the airport to pick me up. Don’t worry about it, Master!”

Charlie asked subconsciously: “Too much trouble for you, right?”

“No, no!” Nanako said with a pleading expression: “Master, Nanako wants to take you to the airport, and even wants to take you to Osaka and take you back to Aurous Hill, but the situation at home is very special now, it is really not suitable for me to get out. So I asked Master to give me a chance to take you to the airport…”

Hearing this, Charlie couldn’t help feeling a little moved, so he said: “Then we two will drive to the airport together, and you should also call your family and arrange for them to send a car to the airport to pick you up.”

“Yeah!” Nanako nodded and said happily: “Master doesn’t have to worry, I will arrange it!”

“Fine then!”

When Charlie heard this, he didn’t insist anymore. The two of them got in the car and drove to Tokyo Airport.

This way was Charlie’s first journey back.

On the way, Nanako was worried.

She had been sneaking at Charlie next to her, feeling extremely reluctant to him in her heart.

As early as in Aurous Hill, she had a passion for Charlie.

And when she met him again in Japan, she fell in love with him completely.

After separating from Charlie this time, she didn’t know if she still has a chance to meet him again.

Because she could feel in her heart that Charlie has lifted the burden of her heart.

She is a very smart girl.

She could see that the reason why Charlie came to Japan must be because of her injury, so he had a sympathy for her in his heart.

And he happened to have the medicine that could cure her, so he took that medicine and came to Kyoto to find and cure her.

At this moment, she was lonely deep in her heart and thought to herself: “My injury has been healed. It is estimated that Master will be able to relieve me in the future?”

Thinking of this, Nanako felt very sad.

In her heart, she was willing to give up some and stay with him forever.

But she also knew in her heart that this was unrealistic.

Chapter 1842

When Nanako’s thoughts were flying, Charlie had already driven the car to the airport.

After he parked the car in the airport parking lot, he got out with Nanako.

Then, instead of leaving in a hurry, he bent down and put the car key on top of the front tire of the car.

Nanako asked in surprise: “Master, what are you doing?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I leave the key here for my friend, otherwise the key will have to follow me back to China.”

Nanako asked suspiciously, “Can’t it get stolen this way? If someone finds out, can I just drive away?”

Charlie smiled and said, “It is impossible for other people to see it here. There are so many cars here. Who would bend down to look at other people’s car tires?”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “I will tell the owner of the key when I go back. After the owner knows it, it will be very convenient to pick up the car for him.”

Nanako smiled and nodded, and said, “Master is smart. I might never think of such a method for a lifetime.”

Charlie smiled and said: “Actually, I mainly want to save some money, otherwise the mailing fee is quite high if I wait until I return to China and then send it to him.”

Nanako suddenly laughed and said, “Master, in your case, you definitely won’t be short of money… My father alone has contributed 4.5 billion USD to you, your JX Pharmaceuticals is developing rapidly, so why to save money so much…”

Charlie smiled slightly: “It’s not saving money, it’s about how to live a life. We won’t save a point for what should be spent, and we won’t waste a point for what shouldn’t be spent.”

Nanako nodded earnestly: “Thank you Wade, Nanako is taught.”

Charlie smiled and said: “I am not a good teacher, I just express my own little opinions, which are some very crude personal opinions.”

Nanako said sincerely: “Although the reason is simple and obvious, I have never considered this. If I was in my previous status, it would not matter if I spent more money or wasted a bit, but now my father wants me to take over Ito Co., Ltd., in the future, I must change my previously unconceptual attitude towards money. Only like Master Wade can I make the family business bigger and stronger!”

Seeing Nanako’s serious look, Charlie smiled helplessly, and said, “I believe Ito Co., Ltd. will become stronger and stronger in your hands!”

Nanako nodded gently: “Thank you Master Wade for your blessing, I hope I can live up to expectations…”

Charlie looked at her, smiled encouragingly, and then said: “Okay, time is almost up, I have to go through the registration procedures, how do you go back?”

Nanako said, “I asked the family assistant to drive me to pick me up.”

With that, she checked the time and hurriedly said: “He may take a while to arrive, or I will send you to the security checkpoint!”

Charlie nodded, and the two left the parking lot together and went straight to the airport departure hall.

At this moment, a woman with a delicate face and delicate features, but with a bit of heroism and coldness, walked into the airport departure hall.

This woman is about one hundred and seventy-five centimeters tall and has slender legs.

She was wearing a black tight leather jacket, black stretch leather pants, and black high-top leather boots. Her long black hair is tied into a bunch of ponytails and hung to her waist.

This woman is beautiful and moving, but her face is icy.

She stepped into the airport and went directly into the VIP security check channel.

The male staff in charge of checking the boarding information turned his eyes straight when he looked at the woman.

After the woman stood in front of him for a few seconds, he came back to his senses and said blushingly: “Miss, please show your ID and boarding pass.”

The woman handed over the certificate blankly, and the other side glanced at it. It read “Su Ruoli.”

Chapter 1843

At this stage, in order to detect the murderer of Matsumoto’s family, Tokyo Airport has strengthened exit inspections.

However, due to the shortage of manpower, there is no way to strictly control all passengers.

Although Ruoli took a Chinese passport, because her boarding pass was for Osaka, not for leaving Japan, the staff did not report to the leader.

He just read Ruoli’s name silently in his heart a few times, and felt that the name was very nice, but he couldn’t tell why it was really nice.

Ruoli saw the other party holding her passport in a daze, and the first thought in her heart was whether her identity has been exposed and the other party had already noticed it.

However, she quickly analyzed it and felt that such a thing was unlikely.

First of all, the TMPD only knows that it was a hidden master from China who killed Matsumoto, but they don’t know anything else.

They also don’t know who killed the Matsumoto family.

What’s more, Japan is so close to China. There are so many tourists, overseas Chinese and business elites traveling between the two countries on weekdays. The TMPD cannot lock itself in such a short period of time.

After a quick analysis in her mind, Ruoli could conclude that the staff in front of her was probably just amazed by her appearance, and was a little slow to react.

So she asked the staff member blankly: “Does my passport look good?”

The other party nodded subconsciously: “Very pretty…”

After finishing speaking, he realized that he accidentally missed his mouth, and hurriedly handed the passport back to Ruoli with both hands, and said apologetically: “Miss Su, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it!”

Ruoli completely ignored his apology, but continued to ask him with a cold expression: “Then can I pass?”

“Of course!” The staff was pressed by Ruoli’s glamorous aura to cold sweat, and quickly stamped her boarding pass and handed it to her respectfully.

She received the boarding pass and immediately turned to leave. The staff member turned to look at her back, with a face full of intoxication, and he couldn’t help sighing and muttering: “This…this is simply her Carden’s. Aura…Apart from TV shows and anime, I have never seen a woman with such a strong aura…”

Although the staff member was thinking of Ruoli, Ruoli had completely forgotten him and came to the security inspection machine.

This time, all Masters of the Su family broke up, unable to leave the country, so everyone dispersed, and as tourists, they bought ordinary flight tickets and flew to Osaka.

Ruoli chose the 5.40 flight.

After the flight arrives in Osaka, she will take the private jet temporarily seconded from Zhonghai to return home with other Su’s subordinates.


At this moment, Charlie also came to the VIP security check channel.

Before entering the security checkpoint, he turned sideways and said to Nanako next to him: “Nanako, you have taken so hard to send me so far. I’m going through the security check. You should go back now.”

Nanako nodded reluctantly, and said seriously: “I wish you a good journey Master, and remember to report me peace after landing.”

“Okay!” Charlie smiled slightly, and said: “Take care of yourself too!”

Nanako said with red eyes, “Thank you Master for your concern, I will definitely!”

Charlie nodded and couldn’t help but sigh softly.

With this sigh, there was reluctance, but also a relief.

What is reluctant is that Nanako is indeed a rare good girl. It can be said that apart from nationality, there is nothing wrong with it.

If they say goodbye today, it will be difficult for the two to see each other again in the future, so Charlie will naturally feel reluctant.

As for letting go, it was mainly because he came to Japan this time and he has removed the thorn in his heart.

That thorn is Nanako.

Chapter 1844

In the beginning, Nanako insisted on competing with Aoxue.

As for Aoxue, it was because of his rejuvenation pills that her strength improved by leaps.

In the end, Aoxue severely injured Nanako in the ring, this was a thorn in Charlie’s heart.

On the one hand, he felt sorry for Nanako, and on the other hand, he admired her character of never giving up and favoring competition over backing off.

In addition, he also felt ashamed of Nanako to a certain extent.

Because it was his hand that pushed Aoxue from a level far below Nanako to a position far surpassing her.

Now, he cured her, so he dilute the distress;

He saved her life and made her strength improved by leaps and bounds, so that guilt is also played down.

At this point, the distress and guilt have been washed away, and the rest is more of an appreciation for Nanako.

Therefore, Charlie smiled at her knowingly, revealing a row of white teeth: “If this is the case, then I will go first!”

“Okay!” Nanako nodded heavily, feeling extremely sad, but still smiling and said sweetly: “Master, I wish you good luck, peace and health!”

Charlie didn’t expect that Nanako would say the words wishing him, he startled slightly, and immediately clasped a fist to her with a serious face, and said loudly: “Thank you Miss Nanako, we will have some time later!”

After speaking, he took a deep look at Nanako again, turned around and entered the security checkpoint.

At the moment Charlie turned around, Nanako’s tears burst.

She looked at Charlie’s back, tears flowed like rain!

She wanted to call him so that he could look back so that she could take a closer look at him.

However, she was afraid that when she stopped him, when he sees her face full of tears, he would think a lot, would misunderstand, and think that she deliberately wanted him to see him letting go of all the disguise.

Therefore, she resisted the urge to call him, just wanted to stand here, watch him disappear into that door, and then turned and left.

At this moment, Charlie couldn’t help it suddenly, and subconsciously looked back at her.

Just a glance made Charlie’s whole body as if struck by lightning, and stayed for a while.

He wanted to turn his head, and beckoned to her courteously.

But he didn’t expect it. Looking back, Nanako, who was still smiling just now, was already crying into tears.

At this moment, Charlie felt that the softest part of his heart seemed to have suffered a shock. This kind of feeling, in general, only needs one word, that is: distressed!

Nanako didn’t expect that Charlie would even look back at her again.

At this moment, as the eldest lady of the Ito family, as the Yamato Nadeshiko who had undergone traditional Japanese education since childhood, she finally completely lost all self-control ability.

At this moment, she lost all her sanity and ran towards him crying, rushed straight into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Before Charlie came back to his senses, she gently stood on tiptoe and offered her first k!ss on her own initiative. Those thin l!ps that were a little salty and cold because of her tears, k!ssed Charlie’s l!ps without hesitation… …

Chapter 1845

Charlie felt the soft and cold touch of Nanako’s lips first, and then felt a slightly bitter taste in his mouth.

He knew in his heart that this was the smell of Nanako’s tears.

At this moment, he felt a little bit reluctant and helpless.

A few seconds later, their l!ps parted, Nanako raised her head, looked at Charlie with red eyes, choked up and said: “Master, don’t forget me…”

Charlie nodded earnestly: “Don’t worry, I definitely won’t!”

Nanako said solemnly: “If there is anything that needs my help in the future, you must tell me Master!”

Charlie nodded: “Okay, so do you!”

Nanako broke her tears into a smile: “Then Master, let’s go, if you get off the plane again, you won’t be able to catch”

Charlie looked at her and said softly: “Nanako, there will be a period later.”

“Well, Master will come later!”

Charlie turned around this time, and did not look back.

He didn’t want to be like just now, when he looked back, he saw a tearful Nanako.

So, simply put your mind away and stepped into the security check channel.

The surrounding passengers, seeing the beautiful and charming Nanako, covered their face with their hands at the security checkpoint, their eyes were crying, and they looked at Charlie’s figure without blinking until they disappeared, and their hearts were quite moved.

At this moment, most men envied the man who had just disappeared from the security check.

“How can that guy, have such a beautiful woman watching him cry with such infatuation?!”

“The point is… he never looked back! This is too much!”

“If it were me, I must turn around to save that woman and tell her I will never leave!”

Nanako turned a deaf ear to everything in her body.

After Charlie disappeared for a long time, she was still immersed in the feelings that had nowhere to rest.

Until, her cell phone rang.

The phone connected, and a woman’s voice came: “Miss, I have arrived at the gate of the airport, where are you?”

Nanako wiped away her tears hurriedly, and said, “Wait a moment, I’ll be there soon!”

After speaking, she hurriedly looked into the security checkpoint again, and after making sure that Charlie could not be seen, she turned and left the airport reluctantly.

Outside the airport at this time, three black Rolls Royces were already waiting side by side.

As soon as Nanako walked out of the airport gate, the co-pilot of the Rolls-Royce in the middle walked down a young woman. The woman respectfully greeted her: “Miss is here!”

Nanako nodded, and before she got to the front, a man opened the back door for her.

After Nanako got into the car, she closed the door and returned to the co-pilot.

After getting in the car, Nanako couldn’t help but asked her: “Kawana, did you buy the ring I wanted for me?”

“I got it!” The woman called Kawana, whose full name is Hisui Kawana, is a senior assistant of the Ito family. At this time, she immediately handed over a beautiful Tiffany jewelry box from the co-pilot.

Nanako took the jewelry box excitedly, and carefully unpacked it.

When she opened the box, she found that in the jewelry box, lying quietly, the same ring that was exactly the same as the diamond ring that Charlie had tried on her fingers.

Chapter 1846

The rings are the same in style and size, even the size of the shank is exactly the same.

As soon as she saw this ring, Nanako felt extremely happy and joyful, as if this ring was really given to her by Charlie.

Seeing her looking at this ring, Kawana was overjoyed and asked in surprise: “Miss, why would you be interested in a brand like Tiffany? This brand is a very ordinary jewelry brand, and this ring is too cheap, and diamonds are really hard to get out…”

Kawana is right.

This kind of diamond ring, which sells for less than RMB 1 million, is simply for ordinary little rich people.

The real rich don’t even bother to wear this kind of ring.

The richest people in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea like diamonds the most. Some of them are very pure, and the cutting process can reach the top diamonds. One is worth ten million.

Real wealthy people buy this kind of diamond, specially made into diamond rings.

Therefore, the diamond ring worn by the top wealthy people is worth more than tens of millions, which is really not ordinary.

Chinese rich people like more things. They not only like diamonds, but also all kinds of gems, especially jade.

The real top-quality emperor green jade has a surprisingly high price.

It is not a big problem for a bracelet to be worth more than tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Because for the wealthy, this kind of jewelry can not only bring out face, but also has a lot of room for appreciation.

The Ito family itself is Japan’s top wealthy family, and Nanako is the only daughter of the family patriarch. She would like this ordinary small diamond ring, which really exceeds Kawana’s cognition of her.

Nanako held the diamond ring in love, and said shyly: “Kawana, there are some things that cannot be measured by money. This ring may not be worth too much in your eyes, but it is invaluable in my eyes.”

After all, she couldn’t wait to wear the ring on her ring finger.

Looking at this ring, she couldn’t help showing a happy smile on her face.

Kawana exclaimed: “Miss, the ring finger is specially used to wear a wedding ring. You can’t wear a ring on the ring finger. Otherwise, if someone sees it, he will think you have been married. !”

When Nanako heard this, she suddenly realized that as a single woman, she really shouldn’t wear a ring on her ring finger. This would cause misunderstandings among people around her.

But this did not delay her love for the ring, so she hurriedly took off the ring, put it back carefully, and stuck out her tongue at Kawana: “It’s okay, I just wear it for a try. I will definitely not wear it.”

Kawana nodded and asked her, “Miss, where are we going now?”

Nanako said: “Go to the hospital, I’ll accompany father!”



At this moment, Charlie had successfully passed the security check, and took his passport and boarding pass to the VIP lounge.

Now, there is about an hour before the flight takes off, and about half an hour before boarding.

There were not many people in the VIP lounge, so Charlie randomly found a seat and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, a beautiful waiter immediately said to him: “Hello sir, do you need something to drink?”

Charlie didn’t know why, but Nanako was still in his heart, so he waved his hand absently, “No, thank you.”

The waiter nodded and said politely: “If you have any needs, please feel free to tell me.”


After Charlie finished speaking, he was about to take out his mobile phone to contact Issac. With his keen hearing, he heard a woman not far away. She lowered her voice and said to the phone: “In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, notify the crew, tonight first Zhonghai, we will rest one night in Zhonghai and return to Eastcliff tomorrow!”

Chapter 1847

Originally, Ruoli’s retreat plan was that everyone dispersed to Osaka, and then transferred a private jet from Zhonghai to bring everyone from Osaka directly back to Eastcliff.

However, considering that if the TMPD cannot catch her and the other Su family members, it will definitely recheck the previous exit records, so a plane flying directly from Osaka to Eastcliff will inevitably become the most in the eyes of the TMPD. Suspicious object.

Therefore, Ruoli decided to fly to Zhonghai from Osaka first.

The Japanese side only has the right to check the flight information related to its own country. In theory, for all flights departing from Japan, the Japanese side has the right to check all the information about the flight.

But if you arrive at Zhonghai and then fly directly from Zhonghai to Eastcliff, then this is a completely domestic flight and has nothing to do with Japan.

In this way, the Japanese clues are also broken.

It stands to reason that Ruoli would not make such a low-level mistake of being heard when making a phone call. She deliberately chose a corner in the VIP lounge where there was no one within 5 meters.

And when she called just now, she deliberately suppressed her voice to the lowest level.

Judging from her experience, with the volume of her words just now, it is impossible for anyone to hear it even within three meters.

Unless that person is only about one meter away from her.

In addition, she didn’t reveal too sensitive information when she spoke, only that she changed the plan and flew to Zhonghai first and then to Eastcliff.

However, she did not expect that she would be heard by Charlie several meters away when she called with such a low voice.

Charlie heard her words and immediately realized that this woman must be from the Su family.

the reason is simple.

The reason why the entire Tokyo implements strict exit control is that the Su family destroyed Matsumoto’s affairs.

At this time, those who are deliberately thinking about leaving Japan and deliberately conceal their whereabouts are most likely from the Su family.

What’s more, this woman said on the phone just now that she must fly to Zhonghai before returning to Eastcliff.

This proves that her destination is actually Eastcliff.

Eastcliff happened to be the base camp of the Su family, so this woman must have worked for the Su family.

After Ruoli gave orders, she put the phone back in her pocket and closed her eyes in the seat to rest.

Charlie quietly looked at the woman not far away. The beauty of her appearance was Charlie’s first impression of her, and his second impression of her was that the features of this woman made people feel too cold.

The Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures made Charlie’s perception more sensitive, allowing him to perceive a deeper taste from a person.

The feeling that Ruoli gave him was faintly bloody.

This kind of feeling is rarely encountered in ordinary people, so he can be sure that this woman’s hands must be bloody. If he thinks about it, he should be the killer of the Su family.

Moreover, listening to what she said, Masters sent by the Su family to Japan should be just like her, preparing to leave Japan by private jet from Osaka.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out his phone and sent Issac a WeChat message: “Old man, you can check it out immediately. There are a few private planes flying from Osaka tonight.”

Issac did not ask the reason, and immediately began an investigation.

Although he doesn’t have much energy in Japan, collecting some tips, this basic problem can still be solved.

Chapter 1848

Civil aviation information itself is not considered a secret. Even the route of a private jet cannot be concealed from the airport staff and the airport dispatch system.

Therefore, Issac quickly found some information and summarized it to Charlie.

Issac’s message to Charlie showed that there were four private jets flying from Osaka to Zhonghai tonight.

Two of them are small business jets with very few passengers. Both planes carry about 10 passengers. Considering that there are many masters from the Su family in Japan, it is unlikely to take this kind of aircraft back, so Charlie Then directly filter out the two planes.

The remaining two are private jets modified from Airbus a320 aircraft, and the number of seats for the entire aircraft is about forty to fifty people.

Therefore, Charlie speculated that the person from the Su family who left Japan from Osaka tonight will take one of the two a320s.

So he asked Issac to carefully investigate the information of the two aircraft.

Both aircraft are registered in China. One of them is under the name of a domestic private airline, but it is actually serving a high-end travel agency, specializing in high-end outbound charter flights, and this aircraft just left from the south yesterday. Shenzhen City sent a high-end tour group of forty people over, and today plans to pick up another group of tour group members to return to Shenzhen City.

The other one was registered under the name of a real estate company in China Shipping. The plane arrived in Osaka from China Shipping only today. The original flight plan was to fly from Osaka to Eastcliff, but the flight plan was temporarily changed and applied Permission to fly from Osaka to Zhonghai.

As soon as Charlie saw this, he knew that the last plane must have been arranged by the Su family.

Analyzing so far, Charlie suddenly had a bad idea.

As a result, he wiped a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and after giving Issac some orders, he smiled at the corner of his mouth, squinted his eyes on his seat and squinted to sleep.

Twenty minutes later, a gentle voice rang in his ears: “Priority boarding of your flight has already started, honorable first-class passenger. If you want to board the flight early, please go to the boarding gate.

Charlie gave a hum, and glanced at Ruoli’s position, and saw that Ruoli had also stood up, and thought to himself: “Thinking of this Su family’s female assassin, she is on the same flight as me.”

Afterwards, he stretched his waist and took his small suitcase, before Ruoli stepped out of the VIP lounge.

Charlie came all the way to the boarding gate, and after showing his boarding pass, he gave priority to boarding from the VIP lane before all economy class passengers boarded the plane.

Since the plane was flying on a one-hour short-haul route from Tokyo to Osaka, the plane had very few first-class cabins, with only eight seats. Charlie’s seat was in the second row by the window on the right.

The weak flight attendant offered to help him put the suitcase, Charlie thanked her, but he did it himself and put the suitcase in the overhead compartment.

Just as he sat down, Ruoli walked in with a few first-class passengers.

When Charlie saw her coming in, his first thought was to turn his head and not look at her, so as not to be discovered by her.

However, between the electric light and flint, he suddenly realized a problem.

A female killer like Ruoli’s strength and perception ability, although not necessarily better than him, must be superior to ordinary people.

And she is so beautiful, she must have accepted the attention given to her by ordinary men.

If you deliberately avoid looking at her, she is very likely to notice something abnormal.

So Charlie deliberately looked at Ruoli with a look of surprise, as if he was shocked by her beauty and excited about being able to take the same plane with her.

Ruoli felt Charlie’s scorching gaze, but just glanced at him casually, and her heart was immediately full of disdain.

She secretly said contemptuously in her heart: “Hey, it’s another rag who can’t pull his legs when he sees a beautiful woman!”

Chapter 1849

Although Ruoli sneered at Charlie’s performance, it was Charlie’s superficial appearance that made her relax a little guard against Charlie.

Then, she stepped to his side and sat down directly next to him.

As soon as she sat down, Ruoli spent her spare time and looked at Charlie silently.

This was not because she had doubts about Charlie, but because of her usual cautious habit.

In each environment, the first thing she will do is to have a relatively in-depth understanding of the environment, so as to obtain more information that may be useful.

She observed Charlie for a while, and found that this man was really handsome and looked pleasing to the eye.

It is that when he looked at her occasionally, the straight-forward look makes people look a little bit uncomfortable.

So, Ruoli turned around, looked at Charlie, and asked with a smile: “Hello. Are you Chinese?”

Charlie didn’t expect that this Su family’s female assassin would turn her face to talk to him, so he pretended to be surprised, and then asked with a bit of surprise: “Beauty, how can you tell that I am Chinese? This is not A flight to China.”

Ruoli smiled slightly and said seriously: “The difference between Japanese boys and Chinese boys is still very big. For example, Japanese boys basically shave their eyebrows, and their hairstyles and dressing styles are also different.”

Charlie smiled and said, “The beauty is really observant.”

Ruoli nodded, and asked him, “Where are you from China?”

Charlie said casually: “I am from Wuhan.”

“Oh?” Ruoli raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: “Wuhan is a good place. As the saying goes, there is heaven above and Suzhou below. The soil and water there are very nourishing.”

After that, Ruoli asked him again: “By the way, since you are from Wuhan, you should know the Wu family, right?”

After all, Ruoli is a well-versed and experienced master. Hearing Charlie introduced himself as from Wuhan, her first thought was to determine whether Charlie lied.

She felt that if the man next to her did not lie, he would most likely be a very useful tool person. On the next trip, if there is an emergency, he can be used as a shield, so that she can be better. Be safer.

Charlie heard the woman next to him mention the Wu family, and knew that the other party wanted to test if he was from Wuhan, so he smiled and said, “Who doesn’t know about the Wu family, the current owner is Regnar. He has two sons, one is called Roger and the other is called Wu Qi. That Wu Qi is very famous. It is said that don’t know which of the tendons didn’t match up, and he has to eat poop every once in a while. Oh, it’s also amazing.”

Ruoli smiled and said, “I didn’t expect you to be familiar with Wu’s affairs.”

Charlie said with a playful smile: “Of course, who doesn’t know about the Wu family, Wuhan?”

As he said, Charlie lowered his voice and said, “Tell you something more exciting!”

Ruoli nodded: “Listen with respect.”

Charlie hooked her and said, “You get closer and I will tell you.”

Ruoli couldn’t help frowning slightly, and said in a cold tone: “You can just say that.”

Charlie wrote a copy of his face: “How can this secret be told in front of so many people casually? If you want to listen, come and listen. If you don’t want to listen, forget it.”

Ruoli’s anger came up all at once, seeing Charlie’s serious intention to take advantage of her, she wanted to lick him with her big mouth.

Chapter 1850

However, Ruoli really wanted to know, what exactly Charlie knew about the more explosive material, so she suppressed the disgust in her heart and moved her body towards him, and said coldly: “Hurry”

Charlie also deliberately leaned toward her, spitting out warm air in her ear: “Some time ago, the brother-in-law of Regnar, that is, Nanshan, the leader of the Regnar Gang, was killed. He was killed together, with his wife, and a lot of beggars!”

Ruoli immediately retracted her body from Charlie’s side, keeping a certain distance from him, and said coldly: “That’s it? It was all popular in short videos at the time. I ask you. Does anyone else know?”

Charlie shrugged: “I thought you didn’t know.”

Ruoli glared at him disgustingly. In her opinion, Charlie just used this matter to try to get close to her.

But fortunately, he didn’t take any real advantage, so Ruoli didn’t have an attack either.

However, after this incident, Ruoli’s guard against Charlie was even lower.

Seeing that Ruoli could no longer speak, Charlie voluntarily leaned over to ask her, “Hey beauty, where are you from? I told you all, so do you want to talk to me?”

Ruoli said blankly: “You told me, it doesn’t mean that I have to tell you.”

Charlie smiled and said: “Beauty, don’t be so cold! You are such a beautiful big beauty, you should smile more, smiling more will make you look better!”

Ruoli rubbed her temples, and said disgustedly: “I’m sorry, I want to rest.”

After speaking, she simply closed her eyes.

Charlie asked again: “Beauty, what are you doing in Osaka? Are you going to Osaka or returning from Osaka?”

Ruoli opened her eyes, frowned at him, and asked, “How do you know that I am going back to China from Osaka?”

“Tokyo won’t let you go!” Charlie sighed, and said, “don’t know what is going on in Tokyo, and what exit control is going on. My family is still waiting for me to go back to celebrate the New Year. There is no choice but to choose from Osaka……”

Ruoli nodded lightly, and thought to herself: “It seems that I am too sensitive. People in Tokyo who want to return to China basically have to leave from Osaka or other airports in northeastern Japan. It’s normal to return home from Osaka.

Therefore, she also completely lost interest in chatting with Charlie, and said: “Okay, I’ll take a nap for a while, if nothing is wrong, don’t chat with me.”

Charlie didn’t shut his mouth wisely, but continued to ask: “By the way, beauty, I listen to your accent, it looks like an Eastcliff person!”

As soon as Ruoli’s brows stretched out, she quickly frowned, denying: “I am not from Eastcliff, I am from Zhonghai.”

Currently, Japan restricts exits and conducts investigations on all foreign tourists. Among them, the most important thing is tourists from China’s Eastcliff native place, so Ruoli was cautious and described herself as a Chinese citizen.

Charlie said in surprise at this time: “Oh, beautiful, you’re boring. Everyone is Chinese. It’s fate to meet on a Japanese plane. You don’t need to chat with your compatriots and hide it, right? Your accent As soon as I heard it was from Eastcliff, the people of Zhonghai are not talking like you.”

Ruoli was about to be annoyed by Charlie.

She is now more and more sure that Charlie has nothing wrong with her, nor is there any danger. He is just a bit sloppy, a bit wretched, and a bit too much nonsense. So while bothering him so much, she also completely relaxes her guard against him.

At this time, she closed her eyes and rested her mind, too lazy to talk to him.

Charlie has already instructed Issac on WeChat to prepare according to his plan…

Chapter 1851

Soon, the plane took off from Tokyo Airport.

An hour later, they landed at Osaka Airport on time.

When the plane landed, according to the usual practice, the first-class guests will get off the plane first.

Ruoli didn’t have any luggage and was sitting in a row outside, so as soon as the plane stopped, she immediately got up and walked directly to the door.

As soon as the cabin door opened, she stepped out. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the plane arranged by the Su family will take off in half an hour, so she needs to go to the business jet terminal and go through the security check again. To reach the hangar of the private jet.

The duty process of private jets is different from that of ordinary civil aviation, and ordinary terminals only serve ordinary civil aviation passengers.

As long as the customized passengers take private jets or business jets, they all go through the security check and boarding at the business jet terminal.

When Charlie walked out of the hatch carrying the suitcase, Ruoli was no longer in the long reach.

He couldn’t help but smiled and thought to himself: “She wants to go back so anxiously? The more anxious you want to go back, the less I don’t want you to go back.”

Thinking of this, he himself walked slowly to the business jet terminal while taking out his mobile phone and asked Issac: “Old man, how are things arranged as I explained to you?”

Issac smiled and said, “Master don’t worry, I have everything ready.”

Charlie snorted and said, “You pay attention to the situation, I will be here soon.”

“OK Master!”

When Charlie arrived at the business jet terminal and passed the security check smoothly, Issac had been waiting in the terminal for a long time.

Seeing Charlie, he immediately stepped forward and whispered to him: “Master everyone else has already boarded the plane. The woman in black clothes you mentioned on WeChat, I just saw her. After passing the security check, she made a shuttle bus and went to Hangar No. 12. The plane parked there is the one you found out!”

After speaking, he said again: “Oh, yes, our plane is parked in Hangar 13 next to them, and the departure time we requested is just behind them, and their plane will be in front of us in a moment.”

“Okay!” Charlie laughed and said, “Go, go to the hangar first, and wait for a good show!”

Later, Charlie and Issac boarded a VIP shuttle bus and went to Hangar 13 together.

The shuttle bus drove all the way into the hangar, and the Gulfstream airliner that arrived was already waiting here.

When the plane sent Charlie and the others to Japan, they first flew to Tokyo, and then flew directly to Osaka to wait. During this time, they never left Osaka.

Seeing Charlie’s arrival, Orvel, Liang and others hurriedly got off the plane before Charlie arrived, and respectfully guarded outside the cabin door.

After Charlie got out of the car, everyone called him, and then bowed deeply together.

Charlie waved at them and said, “Don’t engage in these etiquettes, board the plane quickly, I’m still waiting for a good show!”

After all, he has already taken the lead in boarding the plane.

Seeing this, other people hurriedly followed.

After everyone boarded the plane, the flight attendant immediately closed the door, and then asked Issac for instructions: “Mr. Issac, can the plane be launched?”

Issac glanced at Charlie, and when he saw Charlie nodding, he immediately said to the flight attendant: “Let’s launch it now!”

Subsequently, the aircraft was slowly pushed out of the hangar by ground vehicles.

The captain reported the situation to the tower and requested takeoff arrangements by the way. The tower responded to the instructions and informed the captain that there was a private jet going to Zhonghai in front of them and asked the captain to queue behind him to go to the runway.

Chapter 1852

So the captain immediately picked up the communicator and made a cabin announcement: “Mr. Issac, we have obtained the queuing permission from the tower. The tower puts us in line behind the China Shipping plane in Hangar No. 12. Now compare the planes waiting to take off at Osaka Airport. It takes about forty minutes to take off.”

As soon as Charlie heard that the plane he was flying was behind the plane of Su’s family, he immediately said to Issac, “Go, go to the co*ckpit!”

Issac quickly followed Charlie and squeezed into the somewhat narrow co*ckpit together.

As soon as Issac came in, he asked the captain, “Where is the plane from China Shipping?”

The captain pointed to the plane that had just been pushed out from the hangar and was turning in place, and said, “Issac, that’s the one.”

Issac nodded and saw that the plane turned toward the runway after turning in place, so he quickly said to the captain, “Quickly follow him!”

The captain immediately increased the engine thrust, and the plane followed the Su’s plane and taxied forward unhurriedly.

Seeing the plane with its wings trembling constantly in front, Charlie’s face was full of smiles.


At this moment, in the Airbus A320 sent by the Su family, more than fifty top masters of the Su family were sitting neatly.

A middle-aged man, looking at Ruoli sitting in the front unsmilingly, stepped forward and smiled and said: “Miss Ruoli, this operation was really successful under your command. We destroy the Matsumoto family. None of them survived, and are successfully withdrawing this time. As long as our planes fly, the TMPD will never find us in this lifetime!”

As soon as the others heard this, they hurriedly agreed: “Yes, Miss Ruoli, you have a good leadership this time. After you go back, Mr. Su will definitely promote you. Don’t forget us at that time!”

Ruoli said indifferently: “I, like you, are both subordinates of the Su family. As long as you do things well, the Patriarch will definitely not treat you badly.”

After that, Ruoli said again: “After going back this time, I will definitely report the truth to the Patriarch and ask for your credit. Please rest assured!”

When everyone heard this, they all smiled and apologized.

Although everyone is a master of martial arts, in the final analysis, they have completely entered the dunya, and they have worked for the Su family for money.

When Ruoli said that she wanted to ask for credit for everyone, everyone naturally knew, which meant that the Su family would definitely reward everyone with a generous amount of cash.

As a result, everyone clapped happily, cheering and whistling endlessly.

At this time, Ruoli’s phone vibrated.

She picked up her mobile phone, saw that Zynn was calling, hurriedly connected the phone, and said respectfully: “Patriarch!”

Zynn’s voice came: “Ruoli, how is your side? Is it about to take off? There are no accidents and twists in the middle, right?”

Ruoli hurriedly said, “Master our plane is already in line for take-off, and it is expected to take off in half an hour at most!”

“Very good!” Zynn said with a smile: “This time, you did a very beautiful job! When you return to Eastcliff, you will definitely be rewarded!”

Ruoli said piously: “Patriarch, it is Ruoli’s blessing to share worries for you and the Su family…”

Zynn laughed and said, “If you leave, I am really lucky to have you as a strong general! Don’t you always want to go back to your hometown to take a look, after this time you go back, I will give you a good vacation and go back to your hometown to take a rest, you can rest until the Lantern Festival and then come back!”

Ruoli said gratefully: “Thank you Patriarch! I really want to go back and take a look. It would be great if I can rest!”

Zynn said, “You did so beautifully this time, and you will definitely have a good rest when you go back!”

When Ruoli was about to say thank you, a large number of helicopters roared from all directions outside. Outside the window, you could see many armored personnel carriers roaring, surrounding the planes.

In the sky, the helicopter shouted with a high-power speaker: “Listen the people below, we are the Japanese Self-Defense Force! You are now surrounded!”

Chapter 1853

At this moment, more than fifty Su family masters in the plane looked shocked!

The plane is about to take off, and everyone will be able to retreat, leave Japan, and return home to receive awards.

Ruoli had even received repeated compliments from Zynn on the phone. Who could have predicted that at this moment, things suddenly changed dramatically!

More than a dozen helicopters of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, more than 30 ground-wheeled armored vehicles, and the planes that surrounded Ruoli and others!

The Japanese Self-Defense Force is actually the Japanese army. Only after Japan was defeated that year, according to regulations, the defeated country could not have an army, so it made some changes in the form of the Self-Defense Force.

Although it is called the Self-Defense Force, the equipment and training standards of the entire Self-Defense Force are completely in accordance with the regular army.

The masters of the Su family are certainly very strong, but no matter how strong they are, they are just martial arts masters. Their little punches and kicks, in front of the guns and guns of the regular army, are almost like children playing in the house.

What’s more, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces dispatched this time are all specially trained anti-terrorist special forces, and the number is large, and the total number of air and ground forces is at least 600 or 700!

These six to seven hundred people are almost the top presence in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces!

In addition, their equipment is very sophisticated, and they have set up a net in advance, so the Su family masters are simply inevitable!

Ruoli, who had not been in the old well, couldn’t help panicking now.

She blurted out and asked the people around: “What’s the matter?! How did the Japanese Self-Defense Force find us?! Who leaked the wind?!”

Everyone was full of horror, and they didn’t know who had leaked the news.

However, they know that everyone is over this time!

Originally, the movement they made in Tokyo this time was so surprising that the TMPD and even the entire Japanese government hated them to their bones, so they would trace their whereabouts at all costs.

Tokyo and many surrounding cities have implemented exit controls in order to catch them early.

Now that they are in the hands of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, you don’t have to think about it, this is a big trouble!

At this time, Zynn’s phone has not hung up.

Hearing the movement on the phone, he immediately blurted out and asked: “Ruoli, what’s the matter?!”

Ruoli said with a trembling voice: “Patriarch…our plane is surrounded by the Japanese Self-Defense Force…”

“What?!” Zynn felt dizzy when he heard this!

He secretly said in his heart: “It’s over! This is over! The Su family has sent nearly a hundred people to Japan this time. Except for some support and auxiliary personnel, the real core masters are all on that plane!”

“It can be said that the more than fifty people on that plane represent at least 80% of the combat effectiveness of the Su family!”

“Especially Ruoli, this is a general who can be equal to one hundred!”

“If these people fall into the hands of the Japanese government, according to Japanese law, the principal offender should be properly sentenced to death, and the accessory should also be imprisoned for life…”

Thinking of this, Zynn almost ran away, and he tremblingly asked, “Ruoli, what is going on?! Did you leak the wind, or did a traitor appear inside?!”

Ruoli also said nervously, “Going home, don’t know this now…”

At this time, the broadcast outside the plane continued: “This is the Japanese Self-Defense Force. You are restricted to immediately turn off the aircraft engine and open the door for investigation. Otherwise, we will resort to aggressive attack!”

The captain and deputy captain in the co*ckpit panicked first.

They can all see the gunship above the front, and the large-caliber cannon in front of the helicopter has been aimed at them.

In front of this kind of military weapon, the civil aviation airliner has absolutely no power to parry. If the engine is not turned off, the cannon on the helicopter can instantly turn the aircraft into a hornet’s nest.

So they didn’t care about asking Ruoli for instructions, and immediately turned off the aircraft engine.

Chapter 1854

At this time, the outside broadcast continued: “This is the Japanese Self-Defense Force. You are restricted to open all hatches immediately! Otherwise, our special forces will attack!”

The captain ran out of the co*ckpit at this time and said nervously: “The other party asked us to open the hatch. If we don’t open it, we will be under attack!”

There was also chaos in the cabin.

These so-called super masters were completely panicked at this moment. Some people stood up in a panic, like a headless fly, pacing back and forth in the cabin, as if looking for a way to escape.

More than fifty people, like more than fifty co*ckroaches locked in a glass bottle, were so frightened that there was nothing to add!

Ruoli also panicked.

However, she knew very well in her heart that once the hatch was opened, it was tantamount to surrender!

The massacre of the Matsumoto family angered the whole of Japan. If she takes everyone to surrender, the Japanese government will not let them go, and will punish them with the harshest means possible…

However, if you don’t surrender, the end will probably be even worse!

Because special forces all over the world basically adopt the same approach when fighting terrorism.

They will use directional bombs to blow open the doors and windows of the cabin, and then throw flash bombs and tear gas into the cabin.

Flash bombs will release extremely strong light instantly, blinding people’s eyes in a short period of time. Once they lose their vision, they can only be slaughtered.

And tear gas is a double blow.

It not only makes people cough and loses combat effectiveness, but also makes people’s eyes irritated and secretes a lot of tears, further destroying the opponent’s vision.

The flash bombs and tear gas came in turns so many times, before the special forces rushed in, the people inside might not be able to hold it, climb out and surrender…

In despair, Ruoli asked Zynn on the other end of the phone, “Patriarch…you…what do you think we should do…”

“How to do……”

Zynn whispered feebly, all distressed are bleeding!

The elite of the Su family’s core fighters are going to be wiped out!

The blow and influence this brought to the Su family was too great!

Moreover, in the next few years, it is impossible for the Su family to re-assemble such a team!

Even if it can, it will have to pay a huge cost!

The cost of attracting a top master is sometimes higher than attracting a hundred ordinary people!

With so many top players, the cost behind them is also astronomical.

What is even more depressing is that if these fifty people fall into the hands of the Japanese government, whether they are sentenced to death or life imprisonment, the Su family will have to pay their relatives a lot of living allowances all year round!

This is also the core method used by the Su Family to win over these masters.

The reason why they worked for the Su family was because the Su family promised their high salaries, and they also promised that in the event of an accident, the Su family would pay their family members a monthly subsidy of more than one million.

It was this kind of money spent at any cost that allowed the Su family to gather such a large number of top experts.

But now, once these fifty-odd people are captured by the Japanese government, their families will immediately become the oil bottle of the Su family!

Moreover, the Su family must not kick these oil bottles away, otherwise, no one will be devoted to the Su family in the future!

So, this time they really have to lose to grandma’s house!

Chapter 1855

At the time when the two sides were deadlocked, the head of Japan’s homeland security department had already flown to Osaka Airport by special plane.

With him, there was the Director of the TMPD.

Originally, they were under tremendous pressure and carried out a carpet investigation in Tokyo. They tried their best to catch the group of murderers, so that they could give the people an explanation and the high-level officials.

But what they didn’t expect was that these murderers were more cunning than the foxes, and left no useful clues at all.

When they originally wanted to continue to expand their search range, they suddenly received a message from a mysterious man saying that the murderer had arrived in Osaka and would return to China by plane from Osaka. This shocked the people of the Department of Homeland Security!

If this group of people is really allowed to run away, this sensational massacre that caused a sensation across the country may not be broken for a lifetime.

At that time, the Japanese TMPD and the Homeland Security Department will be completely thrown into the mud, and even be scolded by thousands of people.

Therefore, the Homeland Security Department immediately made a decision to directly take over the case from the TMPD, and then notify the Self-Defense Forces in Osaka to take over and prevent the plane from taking off at all costs.

The Japanese Self-Defense Force has tens of thousands of troops stationed in Osaka. Upon receiving instructions from the Homeland Security Bureau, they immediately dispatched the most powerful special forces to Osaka Airport.

Moreover, the Homeland Security Department even made an emergency plan to prepare a fighter squadron.

If the special forces fail to stop the private jet and allow it to take off, the Japanese Self-Defense Force’s f35 fighter jet will immediately take off, trying to force it to return to Osaka Airport and land before it leaves Japan’s airspace.

At this time, the special plane of the Department of Homeland Security just stopped, the person in charge immediately picked up the phone and asked: “How is the situation on the scene now? Is the other party’s plane under control?!”

On the phone, the voice of the operational commander came immediately: “Now the opponent’s aircraft is surrounded by our square-wheeled armored vehicles, and there is no possibility of breaking through, but the opponent has not yet been captured, we are already preparing for a storm!”

“Okay!” The head of the Department of Homeland Security gritted his teeth and said, “Give them one more minute. If they don’t surrender obediently, immediately carry out a live ammunition attack! This time we must kill these cruel desperadoes in one fell swoop and give it to all of Japan. The people will not care!”

Following his order, four boarding vehicles with boarding ladders slowly drove towards Su’s plane from both sides.

Four combat squads with live ammunition have assembled under the plane. Once the boarding car is aimed at the cabin door, they will quickly rush up, blow up the cabin door, and use flash bombs and tear gas to conduct the first round of attack.

Their firearms have also been inspected. The all-American assault rifles have very powerful firepower. Once the fire is exchanged, these Su family’s subordinates have no power to parry.

At this time, Ruoli, through the window, saw the boarding car approaching, she was already extremely nervous, but she still didn’t think about what to do.

Someone around her panicked and proposed: “Let’s open the hatch and surrender honestly. If they attack by force, the bullet will not be long-sighted!”

“Surrender?!” Someone immediately scolded angrily: “d*mn! I killed four of the Matsumoto family alone. Isn’t surrendering equal to death? I will definitely be sentenced to death by then!”

“The death penalty does not matter!” Another person blurted out: “The execution cycle of the death penalty in Japan is very long. Do you know the Shinrikyo who committed terrorist attacks at Tokyo subway stations before? Their leader Shoko Asahara used sand in 1995. Lin Duqi attacked the Tokyo subway and shocked the world, but he was not executed until 2018, and it has been delayed for more than 20 years! Even if we are sentenced to death, we can at least live in prison for more than ten or twenty years. It’s better than being shot to death right now, right?”

“Yes!” Someone stood up, clenched a fist and said, “With our strength, even if we go to prison, we can definitely become a hegemon in the prison. No one will bully us. Then we can live even in prison. Very comfortable, why don’t you think about it now?”

The conversation between these people immediately convinced most people.

If you can live, no one is willing to give up the hope of survival.

Even living in prison is much better than dying on the spot.

So everyone looked at Ruoli and blurted out: “Miss Ruoli, let’s surrender!”

Chapter 1856

“Yes! Surrender!”

“Leave the green hills, I’m not afraid that there will be no firewood!”

Zynn on the phone also gave a long sigh and said to Ruoli: “Ruoli, surrender, I will do everything possible to mediate with the Japanese side, and I will rescue you anyway…”

The string in Ruoli’s mind was finally loosened. Although she was still unwilling, she nodded and said, “Patriarch, I know… you take care, if you can’t Serving you is in control…”

Zynn was heartbroken, but he could only speak, “Trust me, I will definitely save you!”

“Well! I believe it!”

Ruoli said angrily, then hung up the phone and said to the flight attendant: “Okay, open the hatch!”

The flight attendant nodded immediately and opened the four front and rear hatches one after another.

Afterwards, they heard people shouting outside: “Everyone put your hands on top of your heads and line up to walk down the spiral staircase. Anyone who dares to play tricks will be killed on the spot!”

Ruoli sighed, stood up, and said to everyone with a sad expression: “It is also fate for everyone to work together, I hope you can take care of yourself!”

After speaking, she raised her hands above her head, and stepped out of the hatch first.

Outside the cabin, the helicopter kept roaring overhead, and the huge wind blew Ruoli’s long hair and clothes.

Countless guns were pointed at her below, and someone shouted: “Come down slowly, put your hands on your head and let us see!”

Ruoli could only do so.

The moment she stepped down the spiral staircase, she was also flustered for her unknown future.

Because she didn’t know what the end of waiting for herself was.

After all, she is the principal culprit. After being arrested, others will definitely confess her identity as the principal culprit.

If nothing else, the death penalty must be waiting for her. Unless Zynn can really save her, she will undoubtedly die.

When she stepped down the spiral staircase, several heavily armed self-defense team members rushed up and pressed her to the ground, then put her hands behind her back, and handcuffed her in handcuffs.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining fifty or so people stepped off the plane one after another, all of them were handcuffed back and squatting on the ground, the heads of the assault rifles against the back of the head.

Even the crew members were not spared, they were all caught by their accomplices.

Charlie stood in the co*ckpit of the plane behind, sneer in his heart as he watched the Su family get swept away.

These fifty-odd people are the claws and fangs of the Su family.

Now that they are all in the hands of the Japanese government, the Su family’s vitality is greatly injured.

Su Family, I, Charlie, will definitely let you pay the price for the anti-wade Alliance back then!

Chapter 1857

After all the members of the Su family plane were under control, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces began to clear the ground and gradually restore order at the airport.

They first drove over three buses with steel protective nets welded to their windows, so that everyone including Ruoli, under the watch of the self-defense team, boarded one by one.

In order to prevent these people from escaping as much as possible, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces put two sets of handcuffs on everyone, besides, they also handcuffed them.

Not only that, but they also scattered these people and guarded them one-on-one.

The seat division on the bus has two seats on each side.

Therefore, every Su family in handcuffs was arranged to sit by the window, and then a self-defense team with live ammunition sat next to them to prevent them from having any chance to escape.

In addition, ten self-defense personnel armed with live ammunition were arranged in the corridor of the bus to guard all suspects in the vehicle. If there is any change, they will be shot and killed immediately.

Ruoli was leaning against the window with her face like ashes, looking out the window through the steel protective net.

The airport at this time was brightly lit.

For Ruoli, she should have taken off by plane and headed back home, but she never dreamed that she would become a prisoner.

She still couldn’t figure out which link went wrong.

But she knew that she could not escape this time!

After a while, all of the Su family’s men were escorted into the bus by the self-defense team.

As a result, the three buses started slowly under the escort of ten wheeled armored vehicles, ready to leave the airport.

In order to ensure that there are no accidents to the greatest extent, the Japanese Homeland Security Department plans to relocate all the more than 50 people from the Su family to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces station in Osaka.

There are tens of thousands of soldiers guarding them, and no one can rescue them from there.

When the bus drove away from the scene, it happened to pass by the plane that Charlie was on behind.

The Gulfstream plane Charlie took was a small plane with about ten seats, and the fuselage was not too high.

And Ruoli was sitting on the bus, further shortening the height difference between the two.

When passing by this Gulfstream plane, Ruoli looked at the plane’s co*ckpit, just like looking at the cab of an off-road vehicle from an ordinary car.

Leaning against the window of the car, she was so desperate, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a man who was somewhat familiar standing in the co*ckpit of a Gulfstream plane passing by.

She glanced at it, angrily almost exploded on the spot!

Because she recognized that on that plane, the man who was looking at her playfully was the man who sat next to her when he came to Osaka from Tokyo!

“Why is he on a private jet?”

“And, it’s still behind our plane?”

“Why does the look in his eyes seem to play with me?!”

“And, why would he pretend to be a squinting ordinary person on the plane?!”

Countless questions suddenly gathered in Ruoli’s brain.

She suddenly realized that the person who leaked her whereabouts was most likely the Chinese who flew to Osaka with her!

Ruoli couldn’t help asking herself: “Who is he?!”

Charlie was not afraid of being seen through by Ruoli at this time, he kept looking at her in the bus with a mocking look.

Chapter 1858

Seeing the other party getting closer and closer to him, Charlie had a frivolous smile on his mouth, looked at Ruoli, waved at her, and shouted: “Hi, beauty!”

Ruoli looked at him with cannibal eyes.

Although she couldn’t hear what Charlie said, she could still easily recognize the mouth shape of the words Hi Beauty.

From Charlie’s playful and ridiculous expressions, Ruoli realized that he was planted in the hands of this man.

She observed at Charlie fiercely with resentful eyes, and her teeth were almost crushed by her!

At the moment when the car and the plane interacted and the distance between the two was the shortest, Charlie made a decapitating gesture on his neck with his right hand.

This gesture made Ruoli immediately furious!

Suddenly she jumped up from her seat and shouted hoarsely: “Bad son! I will kill you myself!”

Charlie’s hearing is much more sensitive than ordinary people, so he heard the woman’s angry shout clearly.

Immediately, he smiled at Ruoli, and said with a smile: “I’m waiting for you!”

Ruoli recognized this mouth shape clearly, and was even more sure that Charlie was the culprit who harmed her and more than fifty subordinates.

At this moment, she couldn’t wait to eat Charlie alive!

However, the reality does not give her any chance of revenge at all.

The convoy had already begun to accelerate at this time, and soon passed by Charlie, and after leaving the airport, it drove towards the Self-Defense Force station.

At the same time, the airport staff had driven the plane towing it away, and at the same time the tower began to direct the airport to resume normal operations.

The captain beside Charlie said: “The tower has approved us to go to the runway and take off!”

“Okay!” Charlie smiled slightly, and said with satisfaction: “I have been out for so many days, it’s time to go back!”

The plane quickly taxied to the end of the runway, then continued to accelerate on the runway, and finally took off and left Japan.


Although Charlie left Japan, Japan was already boiling!

All TV stations across the country are broadcasting major news urgently at this time. During the news, the host excitedly introduced to the audience that the Tokyo Matsumoto family killing case shocked the whole country, 57 suspects have been arrested!

The news also specifically broadcast real shots of the capture scene.

The shocking scene of multiple armed helicopters, wheeled armored vehicles, and self-defense team members encircling the entire aircraft is indeed jaw-dropping.

Soon, the news spread throughout Japan.

Zynn was in a hot spring hotel in Aomori Prefecture at this time. After reading this news, he angrily smashed everything that could be smashed in the hotel room, including the TV hanging on the wall!

This time, the Su family not only suffered heavy losses, but also disgraced!


The Mr. Issacgfeng, who was in Eastcliff, had received the news for the first time.

He called and blurted out and asked: “What’s the matter?! What’s the matter?! More than 50 people are captured by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces?! How did you lead the team?! If I didn’t completely hand it over to you, you caused me such a disaster. You are trying to piss me off!”

Zynn suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in pain, “Dad! don’t know what is going on, don’t know who leaked the wind, but you should know that I don’t want to see this scene more than you!”

As he said, he firmly grasped his hair with one hand, gritted his teeth and said word by word: “Although Ruoli’s identity is shameful, she is my flesh and blood after all, and now even she has been arrested. It is very likely that she will be sentenced to death by the Japanese government. Do you understand what I feel, I am a father?”

Chapter 1859

Ruoli is only 21 years old this year.

Her actual age is one year younger than Zhiyu.

However, from her birth until the age of eighteen, Zynn didn’t know her existence.

Ruoli’s biological mother, whose real name is Roma, is the eldest daughter of the He family of China’s four major martial arts families and one of Zynn’s personal bodyguards.

Roma was not only beautiful, but also very capable. She was almost the leader of the Su family bodyguards at the time.

She was three years older than Zynn. When Zynn was fifteen years old, he went abroad to study. For his safety, Chengfeng asked the He family to come over and became Zynn’s personal bodyguard.

That year, Roma was eighteen years old and had just grown up.

Since that year, she has been with Zynn.

Accompany him abroad, accompany him to study, accompany him to hone his family business, and accompany him to travel around the world.

Even when Zynn frantically pursued his current wife Liona, Roma had been secretly guarding.

She joined the world to protect Zynn when he was ignorant, and had been guarding him for more than ten years. She had no understanding of other men at all, so it was natural for her to have a secret love for Zynn, who she was most familiar with.

Roma has always kept this love in her heart because of the differences in their identities, ages, and family background.

Until Zynn married Liona, Roma, who was nearly 30 years old, still didn’t reveal what she thought of him.

In the second year of Zhiyu’s birth, Zynn was 30 and Roma was 33. Zynn encountered a plot overseas. Roma tried her best to save him at the risk of her life, but she himself lost an arm because of this.

Roma, who became a disabled person, had a sharp decline in combat capability, so Zynn had to let her retire and return to He’s home early.

When Roma was leaving, Zynn was also persevering.

After all, for the 30-year-old at the time, Roma had been with him almost every step of half of his life.

Therefore, he asked Roma if there was anything he could do for her.

Roma hesitated again and again, expressing the feelings she had buried in her heart for many years.

Zynn, who is usually hard-hearted, was also moved by Roma’s confession.

That night, he had an excuse to go out and spent the n!ght out with Roma.

After that night, Roma left Zynn and returned to her hometown in Northeast China.

After more than nine months, Ruoli fell to the ground.

Ruoli did not have the surname Su at first, but followed her mother’s surname.

The so-called Ruoli means Ruo Zhi Ruoli.

It also represents Roma’s special feeling for Zynn in her heart.

Ruoli has been held in the palm of the hand by the He family since she was a child. She has never been to school. From the age of two to eighteen, she has been practicing ancient martial arts.

Therefore, at the age of eighteen, she surpassed her mother at the age of eighteen and became the strongest young woman in the He family.

After becoming an adult at the age of eighteen, Roma told her, her life experience.

In Roma’s description, Zynn is a good father who values ​​love and justice. The reason why he never cared about Ruoli is because he never knew her existence.

Therefore, Roma gave Ruoli two choices.

Stay and continue to practice martial arts in He’s family;

Or leave home to work for her biological father.

Chapter 1860

Ruoli considered for a long time and chose the latter.

Because she can faintly realize that this is the path her mother hopes to choose.

So, Roma changed her name to Ruoli Su, and then she was recommended to Zynn.

Zynn didn’t know Ruoli’s life experience at the beginning, but felt that this girl was extraordinary in strength, a manufacturable, and very much like Roma back then.

Ruoli also obeyed her mother’s instructions, and didn’t want Zynn to know this, but the old and cunning Chengfeng saw some clues from Ruoli.

He always felt that the look in Zynn’s eyes was something wrong with this young girl.

This kind of wrong made him vigilant.

He was afraid that Ruoli was an undercover agent sent by his opponent, so he asked people to thoroughly investigate Ruoli’s identity.

Going up the source step by step, he finally found Roma’s body.

After learning that Ruoli might be Zynn’s daughter, the father ordered someone to collect the hair of the two and quietly compare the DNA.

After getting the definite result, he told Zynn all this.

Zynn’s first reaction was shock, and his second reaction was moved.

He is really why Roma is moved by his feelings.

After that night that year, she not only gave birth to his daughter, but also cultivated her into a talent, and quietly sent her back to him to protect him.

However, he was also worried about Ruoli’s identity.

After all, Ruoli is the illeg!timate daughter of his derailed marriage.

If he lets his wife, children, and others know Ruoli’s identity, then his image in their minds will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, with the wife’s character, she will definitely choose to divorce him without hesitation.

Even with this mistake, nearly two decades have passed.

After the Old Master discussed with him, the two thought of a solution, pretending not to know.

Since Ruoli didn’t want to disclose her identity and recognize him as the father, he didn’t need to take the initiative to recognize this daughter.

Everyone keeps secrets in their hearts, and everything in life will not be affected by this.

In the past few years, Zynn took special care of Ruoli and even trained her as a leader of the Su family master team.

He felt that even if he couldn’t show Ruoli a fatherly love, he must arrange her future properly so that she could realize her own life value in Su’s house, and let her become a master in the future, and not worry about food and clothing.

But he never expected that a trip to Japan would ruin all of Ruoli’s future, even her life.

So, how can he not suffer at this moment!

Chengfeng could understand his mood at this time. He was silent for a while, and sighed after a long while, saying: “The current situation is very unfavorable for the Su family. We have lost so many people at once. This matter will spread before dawn. All over the country, now we are like tigers with broken teeth. I am worried that the Wade family will be the first one to be unable to hold back! So you can’t get too distracted by this matter, it’s best to come back to China right away and discuss it together!”

Zynn choked and said, “Dad, I have a request, and I hope you can agree to it!”

Chengfeng hummed, “Say it, I’ll listen to it!”

Zynn observed him and said, “At all costs, we must rescue Ruoli!”

Chengfeng said with emotion: “Zynn, this matter is really too ruthless! It is tantamount to slap the Japanese government in the face of the whole world. They will definitely deal with this kind of thing severely. If she is rescued, the cost may be too high for you to imagine!”

Zynn said seriously: “Ruoli’s implementation is what I meant, so I am at fault in this matter!”

He said, “The Japanese government just wanted to catch the murderer and ensure justice, and give the people an account. They arrested more than fifty of our people, and one of the fifty-something is released. The core purpose has no effect, is it always okay to sell face?”

The charismatic Charles Wade Ch.1841-1860 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.